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There he is sitting and trying to concentrate in his study but failing. He was like this befor as well whenever he tries to concentrate on his study he gets distracted by anything simple. Right now it's something out of the window.

"Hey." He said as I sit infront of him.

"Hi." Taeyong smiled at me, his usual smile.

"You really are here in the library in the weekend." I sigh shaking my head.

"I was just trying to see if I remember the things taught. I don't know how but I remember some."

"It's because the part which keeps your life memories and other skills and knowledge is different. You have only lost your memory not the things you learn."

"Oh..... how did you know that?" He says being impressed.

"I just read it somewhere. Anyway what were you studying?" I say looking at his book it looks like math.

"Right now it's maths' turn."

"Oh! Then carry on I'll study with you too." I say moving myself from his front to his side.

"Cool. That way I can learn better." He flips some pages in his notebook and lifts his pen to write something.

"Let's practice this chapter."

"Whatever suits you."

I can only look at him I don't know what he is talking about. Whatever it is it's probably less important than Taeyong. It's been a week since he started coming school. He's hanging out with that Jaehyun who I hate the most. I still remember what he told me that day. How can he like Taeyong after bullying him. Taeyong may have forgotten but I can't. But I can't do anything. Even Taeyong asked me if I hate him or something I couldn't tell him. I guess I have to bear with it. But I swear I'll never let him date Taeyong. I mean it's not like I can stop if it happens. Taeyong thinks he's handsome like he used to think before.

I sigh. I can't even compete and win over Jaehyun not even in my imagination.

"Do you think it's correct?"

"W-What?" I snap out of my thoughts.

He smiles and shakes his head. "Weren't you listening?"

"Y-Yes I was." Gosh Doyoung stop stuttering.

"I know you were." Taeyong says sarcastically.

"I was."

"Then tell me what we are learning." He is hiding the notebook with his hand.


He sighs loudly. Was I wrong?

"We finished it 30 minutes ago."

What? How long have we been here?

"Really." I laugh awkwardly rubbing my nape.

"You are really worst than me."

"Aren't you hungry? It's been long time since we are here?" I try to change topic and I know I succeed because Taeyong can't reject food. He looks at his phone to see time.

"I guess it has been long. I think this much is enough for today."

"Let's go somewhere eat."

"What do you want to eat?" He says putting all the notebooks in his bag.

"Whatever you like."

"Let's eat tteokbokki."

"Okay." We leave the library and go to a nearby tteokbokki-place.

We are walking home now. I miss walking with him like this. It's almost late. The sun is about to step completely only small part of it visible making the earth orange.

"Taeyong, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"I have plans."

"Really. I wanted to hang out with you." I try sounding sad.

"I have plans with Jaehyun but I know he won't mind you coming as well."

Really. Jaehyun. I can't believe Taeyong has plans with this guy. I mean I can't stand him but I can't let Taeyong hangout alone with him. I sigh.

"Really. I can come. Thank you so much. I would have been bored alone at home." I smile wide. Even though I hate Jaehyun I will get to be with Taeyong so I can adjust a little.

"Okay than I'll see you tomorrow. I'll text  you where to meet."

"Alright then."

"Anyway, my house is here. Thanks for walking me home." He says as he walks toward his house. He turns before opening the door and waves.

I walk my way as soon as he enters the house.

"Teddy." I call out the name as soon as I enter my house. Teddy comes running and wiggling his tail. I kneel down and pet him. He really is a cute dog.

"Did you eat? Come I'll fill your bowl again. If you are still hungry then you can eat." I pick him up. He's a small dog after all. I go to kitchen and pick a dog food from a cabinet and fill teddy's bowl and put him down. I fill his water bowl as well and leave him to eat.

I fall on my bed. I stare at the ceiling for a while. After a while I decide to clean up. I get up and walk towards my bathroom after picking clothes to wear. After cleaning up I get to bed again and open my phone. There is a message from Taeyong with a location. I hope tomorrow won't be bad. I use my phone for a while and sleep.

Hello guys. How do you like my story? I was suppose to update yesterday but because of some problem I couldn't. Anyway I'll try my best to post regularly from now onward unless there is no problem. Thanks for reading. Love you alot.😁😁

Heart Knows/ Dotae (Different) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now