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It's a fun weekend. Four kids have come to amusement park to enjoy their day forgetting their studies and all.

"Woo. I love this." An overly excited kid spoke with a lot of enthusiasm in his voice.

"Calm down Jaemin. You are too excited." His boyfriend said patting his head like a kid.

Haechan rolled his eyes seeing both of them act cute to each other.

"Let's go." Jaemin said excited as before.

"Which one should we ride first?" Jeno asks to everyone.

"Rollercoaster. It's the most exciting." Heachan said.

"No." Mark practically shouted.

"Why are you shouting? Are you perhaps afraid of rollercoaster?" Haechan said ready to tease him.

"No" This time it was alot quieter.

"Don't worry I'll take care of you." Haechan said rubbing his shoulder in a teasing manner.

Mark sighed. "I said I'm not afraid of rollercoaster. I just meant to leave that for the last. You know the last one should be the most exciting one."

"You are right. But if you are trying to avoid it just because you are afraid than that's not gonna work I'm telling you."

"I'm not trying anything." Mark's said a little nervously maybe.

"Guys. Let's go already. There will be line in every rides you don't want to not be able to enjoy all these right, do you?" Jeno and Jaemin walked ahead followed by Haechan and mark.

"So its finally time." Haechan said rubbing his hands on each other. "You can tell me if you are afraid." It was time for rollercoaster after they have tried most of the rides they liked.

"Don't worry I'm not afraid." Mark said trying to convince himself more than anyone. Trusth is he is afraid of rollercoasters but he just can't say it.

"Well than I warned you."

All four of then get on their seat after waiting in along line.

Jeno and Jaemin were infront of Haechan and Mark. Mark was praying inside.

It was no use hiding his fear because by the end of the ride it was pretty obvious. He screamed the moment the ride started. He was a mess when it ended. His hair in all directions.

"Oh I'm not afraid of rollercoaster." Haechan said mimicking Mark's voice. Jeno and Jaemin just laughed.

"Shut up. Everyone is afraid of something." Mark said rolling his eyes.

"But your face was so funny. You were screaming the whole ride almost tearing my eardrums." Haechan snapped his fingers near his ears checking if it's working or not.

"It wasn't that bad." Mark's huffed.

"Yes it wasn't the bad it was worst. I never knew your voice could get any louder from the quiet voice you speak in."

"Guys stop arguing." Jeno said.

"We aren't."

"I guess you two agree on something at least." Jaemin teased them with Jeno laughing.

"Anyway let's go eat something."

"Yes I'm hungry."

"Fine. Let's go there."

Then they went to nearby stall to get food. After eating they enjoyed some more rides and went home.

Hey guys I hope you are enjoying the chapters. My classes started from today. Its soooooo boring. Anyway, thank you for reading. Give this story alot of love.😁😁

I didn't know that I had wrong tag for Haechan all this time. It was Heachan. And there were many mistake in the chapter as well. I just saw it after I published this chapter. I can't believe I made this mistake. But now I have corrected it so it's okay. I hope you enjoy.

Heart Knows/ Dotae (Different) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now