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Doyoung woke up in a hospital room. He wanted to get up but the pain in his head didn't let him. He caught his head and stayed laying.

"How are you feeling?" Ten came inside.

"Tae-Taeyong. How is he?" Doyoung said trying to get up again.

Ten pushed him back to laying and sighed. "You heard Docter said he is out of danger. He just hasn't woke up."

"B-But"  Doyoung tried to free himself from Ten's grip but couldn't.

"Shhh. Stay still. Mrs. Lee is with Taeyong.  You need to rest. Doctor said you took too much stress. You haven't even had dinner. It's late so eat before you can go home."

"No. I won't go home. I want too stay with Taeyong. "

"Okay. You can stay today. Tomorrow is sunday anyway. But eat something first."

"Alright." Doyoung knew he couldn't win against Ten so he decided to go along.

"I'll bring food for you. Wait for me." Ten said and walked out of the room.

After a while Ten came back with sandwich and juice. He gave it to Doyoung who ate it.

After eating, Ten and Doyoung went toward Taeyong room.

They saw Mr. and Mrs. Lee sitting beside Taeyong's bed.

Taeyong laid in his bed peacefully. There were pipes connected to his arms. There was bandage in his head and arms. Probably in other places as well which were covered by hospital gown.

Doyoung went beside him. He controlled himself not to cry.

"You guys should go home. We will stay with him. Only one of us can stay with him anyway." Mrs. Lee said forcing a smile but it could be seen that she had cried.

Doyoung wanted to stay with Taeyong but he couldn't argue with his parents.

He nodded and went out. He glanced at Taeyong before leaving the room.

Ten took him home.

"Are you gonna be alright alone? Do you want me to stay with you?" Ten said. He knew it was hard for everyone especially Doyoung so he wanted to be with him.

"It's okay you can go. I'll be fine." Doyoung said before opening the door to his house.

"I'll come tomorrow. Take rest. Eat something as well." Ten said waving at Doyoung then went to the cab they came in.

Doyoung waved back and entered his house.

He closed the door, took off his shoes and went directly to his room. He didn't even open the lights in the living room or anything.

He went to his bed covered himself in blanket and cried. He cried out every tears in his eyes. He fell asleep after crying for probably many hours.

What are your thinking about the story? Do you think it's alright?

I really should stop procrastinating. I always get lazy and update late. But at least I am updating daily so I am proud of myself.

Comments if there is any errors and mistake. Thanks for reading. I need you guy's love.😁😁

Heart Knows/ Dotae (Different) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now