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It's friday. Doyoung has started coming school. He isn't totally bright like before but he is doing better.

They are having lunch as usual.

"What are you all doing this weekend?" Ten said with excitement. Let's go to the pets cafe I said last time."

"I'll see about that." Johnny said acting serious.

"You don't have to come." Ten said sounding pissed.

Johnny glared at him but Ten simply showed his tongue making Doyoung and Taeyong giggle.

"You two behave like kids." Taeyong said still giggling.

"Okay let's go there." Doyoung said making Ten happy.

"I'll bring Mark. He loves animals and he will be alone at home."

"I thought you weren't coming." Ten asked raising an eyebrow at Johnny.

"I didn't say that." Said Johnny with a wink.

"I am letting you come because of Mark."

"Whatever you say dear." Johnny said witha smirk.

"Annoying jerk." muttered Ten under his breath.

Taeyong and Doyoung shook their head at the childliness.

"Actually, I'll bring my cousin to come along. He is Mark's age so they will get along and be friends."

Johnny nodded at Taeyong's idea. "Yes, that's great. Mark can make friends beside school. "

"Then I'll sent the address and time of meeting later okay."

All finished there food at went to there class. Ten and Johnny were still bickering about something on there way.

(Taeyong's house)

He was laying on his bed when he remembered something.

He picked up his phone can dialed a number.

"Hey Taeyong hyung. What's up." The voice sounded as cheerful as ever.

"Nothing much. What were you doing?"

"Playing games. Did you have something to say? I am busy."

"I thought you said you were playing games."

"I am. It's important game."

Taeyong just rolled his eyes.
"This kid" thought as he spoke.

"What are you doing tomorrow?"

"Play games probably. Why hyung?"

"If you have nothing special to do come with me. We are going to pets cafe."


"Yes. Me and my friends."

"But why are you asking me?"

"Well. One of my friends is bringing his brother who is your age so I thought you could be friends with him."

"I don't want to I have enough friends."

"Ya right. Your gaming console."

"I have real friends okay."

"With your attitude I don't think so."

"Then why are you asking me to come?"

"Okay sorry sorry. I was just kidding. The boy is new here I thought he would get bored with us you could company him and since you two are same age you could be friends. Can't you come? Hyung is being nice and asking you."

"Okay okay. I will come. Just remember that I am leaving my important game and coming with you on that boring cafe or something."

"Thanks and don't worry. You will have fun."

"I'll see that. I'll come to your house. Now I have to return to my match. Bye bye"

The phone got cut off before Taeyong could say anything.

Taeyong just rolled over in the bed as he scrolled through Instagram explore.

I hope you are enjoying the story even though it's not that fun. I will try my best. Please point if I have made any mistake. Thanks and love you all.😁😁

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