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It was after school. Taeyong was waiting at gate fot Ten.

"Did Doyoung already left?" Ten asked as soon as he saw Taeyong.

"As usual. Don't worry, I have his home address. We can go to his house and follow him from there."

"Okay let's do that."

"I don't think this is a good idea." Johnny said. Taeyong realized Ten might have told him the plan.

"That's what you think." Ten said glaring at Johnny.

"You don't understand. You should give him time and privacy."

"You don't understand. We are just trying to find out so we can help. If you want to help them come, if not then don't try us to convince otherwise."

"I think he is right. We can find out and talk to him if he can't talk himself. It's okay we are friends." Taeyong was trying to convince Johnny.

"But what if he doesn't go anywhere but just stays in his house."

"Do you think he rejects our hangout plans to just sit in his house? You dumbass." Ten said with annoyance in his face.

"You guys do what you want. I am busy so I won't be coming with you."

"Better." Ten pulled Taeyong who waved his goodbye to Johnny."let's go."

They reached Doyoung house from the address Taeyong had asked Doyoung a long time ago.

They waited outside for a bit and saw someone coming out of the house. It was Doyoung. He locked the door and left the house.

Ten and Taeyong followed him without being seen. They were still in there uniform since they had no idea when Doyoung will leave or even if he will leave the house or not.They were far from Doyoung but not far to lose him.


"Jaehyun is something wrong with you lately?" Yuta asked his bestfriend. They were on there way to there favourite cafe after Yuta begged his bestfriend.

"No why?"

"You are just acting weird lately. You space out a lot. You don't even listen to me sometimes." Yuta asked in total seriousness.

"No it's nothing.  I'm fine. You are just overthinking. " Jaehyun said smiling at his caring side of his bestfriend.

"If you say so."

Jaehyun saw someone familiar when he turned toward Yuta. "Yuta can you go ahead first. I will meet you in few minutes. I have something to do."

"Okay but don't be too late." Yuta left ahead.

"What are you doing here?" Jaehyun asked grabbing the wrist of Taeyong.

"Non of your business. Leave me." Taeyong replied angrily trying to jerk of Jaehyun's hand off his wrist.

"Is everything alright?" Ten asked worrying.

"It's okay. Can you go ahead? We will lose him if not.text me the place when you reach there okay." Taeyong sent Ten ahead to follow Doyoung.

Ten looked worried but he believed in Taeyong and left after nodding.

"What are you doing? Leave my hand." Taeyong screamed as soon as Ten left.

"Who are you following and why?"

"That's not of your business. You don't have anything to do with this leave me alone." Taeyong was trying to free himself from Jaehyun's hand but he clearly couldn't.  Jaehyun was stronger.

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