Mammon X Reader III

Start from the beginning

"I'm so sorry. I'll be right there." He apologized profusely before hanging up. Then, he gazed at you and pleaded remorsefully. "I'm sorry, MC. I'm busy today too. I'll make it up to you next time."

Before Mammon could escape, you yanked his sleeve irritably. You were not having it. The force exerted on his shirt popped a button off, exposing his shoulder. Everything moved in slow motion as your eyes shifted from his face down to the dark purple bruise on his shoulder.

"How did you get that?" You demanded while pointing your finger towards the injury.

Mammon bit his lip to prevent himself from spilling anything then made a run for it, shouting. "I'm really sorry!"

"Wait! Mammon!"


That night, instead of finishing your requirements, you pondered over the previous fiasco. To be clear, Mammon flips out on a daily basis whenever he was caught red-handed. You witnessed this multiple times back in the Devildom. However, Mammon was hurt this time and typically, he would come to you and let you dress his wounds. It was not like him to keep this from you. What's going on? What is he hiding?

Thinking deeply made your head spin so to ease your worries, you called Mammon for some answers. The phone rang five times until it finally got through. "Hello, MC?"

"Mammon! My goodness. Don't think I forgot what happened this afternoon. You better give me some excuses."

"I'm really sorry about that. I promise to explain everything later." On his side, you heard bustling noises and someone yelling Mammon's name in the background.

"What exactly is going on? What are you doing?"

"I'm so so sorry. I'll see you on Saturday." He murmured before dropping the call.

You stared at your phone in disbelief. Avoiding you was one thing but cutting you off in the middle of a conversation was inexcusable. Mammon knew better than to push your buttons. Nonetheless, despite being immensely annoyed, you guessed what predicament Mammon was in.

Mammon is a pushover. If you choose your words appropriately, he will be sure to follow your orders. Furthermore, he is also prone to being bullied and money extortion. I don't want to think that he got into trouble with some witches or sketchy people. But he was injured without you knowing. I hope what I'm thinking is not the case.


The weekend finally came, and you waited impatiently in a coffee shop where Mammon planned to meet you. By the window, you scanned your surroundings, searching for a gray-haired demon. Out of the blue, a hand tapped your shoulder. Relieved, you blurted out. "You're here!"

"Sorry, I'm late."

"That's alright. I ordered coffee for us." You stated and handed him a cup of coffee.


You watched as he took a sip before starting the rescheduled interrogation. "Mammon, tell me the truth. What's going on? Are you in trouble?"

"Trouble? None." He shrugged. "What about you? How are you? I missed you."

"I missed you too and I was not fine at all." You revealed. "I have not seen or talked to my boyfriend for three weeks. And if I did, he would hang up or run at the sight of me. Aren't I pitiful? And he went and got hurt without letting me know."

Mammon knew who you were talking about and rubbed the back of his neck timidly. "Is that so? Well, that's why I asked you to come see me."

"Alright. I'm all ears."

"First of all, I want to say one thing." He pulled a box out of his pocket and placed it on the table. "Happy anniversary!"

"Huh? What anniversary?"

"It's our 1-year anniversary since we began dating. Did you forget?"

"I completely forgot. My head was in a mess. I'm so sorry. I didn't get you a gift."

"Oh." He breathed out in disappointment but brightened up immediately. "That's okay. At least, we get to spend the whole day together. Here, this is for you."

You expressed your gratitude before opening the box. It contained a familiar charm necklace from a well-known brand. "Is this...?"

"Yeah, that's the one. I saw you staring at it while we were in the shop but did not buy it. I couldn't afford it too. So, I did part-time in a moving company for the past weeks. That's where I got the bruise."

"That explains things." You mumbled and was then overwhelmed with emotions. "Thank you for this. I really appreciate it."

"Here, I'll put it on you." Mammon went behind you and clasped the accessory around your neck.

You admired the necklace before you gazed at Mammon lovingly. You reached out and gave him a kiss. "I love you."

"I love you too."

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