🔅 Chapter 25: Run

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Abraham Pov's

"You look so handsome" Ruth muttered as she helped me fix my tie. I didn't reply. I was too preoccupied with tonight and everything that was happening.

I could hear everyone downstairs. All of them arriving to celebrate the event. The entire day I had been in a sense of denial. Even as I watched the slaves put out the good china, my mother fuss over the menu and all the carriages pull up to the house. It wasn't until this moment that I realized, this is it. I was engaged.

I was destined to marry someone I didn't know. Annabeth was a sweet girl but, a stranger. I couldn't see myself falling in love with her. This marriage would bring nothing but, misery to both of us. If I could, I would cancel the whole thing though there are consequences.

My mother knew about me and Thomas. She was a fierce woman and I'd be a fool not to take her threats seriously. I wasn't going to put him any more at risk, even if it meant going through with this catastrophe.

"Abraham, are you okay?" Ruth asked worriedly.

"I wish this day never had to come" I whispered.

"I know your not looking forward to this but, try to find the best in it" she sighed.

"How can you say that? I'm in love with another person, there is no best in this situation" I scoffed.

"I know but, you and he can't be together like that. Not now or maybe for a long time" she explained.

"I know but, it doesn't make it any less painful," I said.

"Forgive me sir for what I'm about to say. You have it easy. Imagine how Thomas feels. He is the one that has to watch you marry another person. He has to remain a secret all while bearing the weight of the lifestyle your people forced on him. You may not like the idea but, the best thing you can do for him is set him free" she told me.

"I can't. It's selfish, I know. If I let him go, then I'll have nothing else to keep me going. He is everything to me so, what happens if I don't have him anymore" I confessed. I felt terrible but, it was the truth. I was drowning in so much darkness before Thomas. To go back to that was unthinkable.

"You know that I have raised you like you were my own. I've watched you grow up and I always knew you were different than your parents. That you didn't bear the same hatred in your heart like them. That being said, your wrong. Making another suffer just because you can't live without them isn't right" she responded.

"I know" I groaned rubbing my head.

"Your a good man, Abraham" she murmured before leaving my room.

"I'm not" I mumbled and continued to get ready for the worst night of my life.

Thomas's  POV

The guilt I felt was like a heavyweight in my heart. I couldn't help think about how this would affect Abraham. I knew that I made the decision to leave but, that was before I had time to think about what that would mean. All these doubts were beginning to creep in.

That maybe it was foolish of me to even imagine one-day experiencing freedom. That it wasn't something slave should have in their head.  We shouldn't think of the day when we wouldn't fear the sound of a whip or chains but, I wanted to.

Not just for myself but, the man that raised me. Up until his last breath he dreamed of the day I wouldn't have to withstand all he did. The guilt I felt about leaving Abraham was strong but, it couldn't surpass the shame I'd feel if I let my father down by not taking this chance.

"Are you ready for this?" Sam, another slave whispered as we waited out behind the cabins.

"No, but I will be" I replied.

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