🔅 Chapter 10: Dangerous Touch

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Thomas's Pov

"I had a dream last night daddy" I spoke turning around in the small makeshift bed we shared and looking at him.

"Hmm, why don't you tell me about is tomorrow son. Get some sleep" he mumbled tiredly his eyes closed.

"What if I forget? Can't I just tell you now?" I asked.

"Okay. What was the dream?" he sighed smiling while opening his eyes to look at me.

"It was you and me. We were playing and then mommy showed up. She said that she missed us and loved us. That we would be together soon" I said.

"One day we will," my dad said sadly.

"Why can't we be together now? I miss her" I murmured.

"I miss your mother too but, we're family and that means no matter how far we go, we will always find our way back to each other," he told me.


I shook the memory from my head. I didn't remember my mother anymore. I had lost the image of what she looked like long ago. Honestly, she could be standing right in front of me and I wouldn't even know it.

We were separated when I was very young.  Most slave families are. The hard truth was we would never see them again. The moment the auction was over, they were gone forever. We were all property with a price tag just waiting to be sold to the biggest bidder. Sometimes forced to start families we would only be torn away from later on.

"Boy get back to work before masta sees you," an older man said.

"Sorry" I murmured getting up.

Pulling on my shirt, I headed out the small shack and began walking to the stables. When I reached them, I went inside and looked at the horses. Once I knew they were all okay, I began getting to work.

I was in the middle of brushing them when I heard footsteps. Turning around, I saw the master coming in and he wasn't alone. With him was one of the girls that worked in the house. This was something I wasn't supposed to be seeing so, I slipped out the back.

It wasn't the first time a master slept with a slave. It was a dark secret that no one liked to talk about. Mulatto children born from a slave woman and their white master. They were sometimes treated worst. When I think about it, I'm reminded of my own past. What I witnessed between my father and then what I experienced after he passed away.

Leaning against the wall, I clutched my head trying to push the memories to the back of my mind. The thoughts of my late master and my father. How when he died the torment carried on to me.

"Thomas, aren't you supposed to be in the stables?" Abraham asked coming up to me.

"Yes. I was on my way,  sir" I lied keeping my eyes to the ground.

"I am looking for my father. Have you seen him?" he questioned.

"He's in the stables but, I wouldn't go in there sir" I murmured.

"Why?" Abraham spoke.

"He's with someone sir," I told him, this time looking up at his face. Abraham stared at me for a moment, thinking about what I just said until it seemed to have registered in his mind.

"Oh," he hummed running a hand through his hair.

"I'll head back to work now sir" I breathed going to leave.

"Wait" he stated.

"Yes sir" I responded.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"You shouldn't care sir" I muttered.

"But I um do. I do care" Abraham whispered. I watched him raise his hand until his fingertips grazed my cheek. His face seemed at peace as I allowed him to touch me.

"Please stop sir" I hissed stepping away from him.

"Stop what?" he said softly with a dreamlike look still on his face.

"You have to stop showing me interest. I'm a slave, nothing but property to you and your people sir" I told him.

"I don't see it that way" he muttered.

"You should. You have too. We've already talked about this" I hummed.

"What do I have to do to get you to trust me? To believe me when I say, I'm not like everyone else. That the last thing I want is to hurt you" he explained.

"Stay away from me. Don't put both our lives in danger. If you're not like the others then don't put what you want before what I need and that is to not draw attention" I sighed leaving off the sir.

When I was talking to him, I felt like it wasn't needed. Like I could speak kind of freely which, was something new for me. He looked to be in pain by the time I finished. Something I wasn't accustomed to seeing on someone like him.

"I'm trying. I really am trying Thomas but, I feel drawn to you" he breathed touching me again, this time with his hand on my arm.

"Try harder...Abraham. Excuse me sir" I spoke before leaving.


Sorry, I know it has been a while since I've updated. I have such high hopes for this book and I can't wait for you guys to read all that I have planned. So Thomas finally said his name. What do you guys think? Next, Abraham and maybe his guilt.




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