🔅 Chapter 6: Your Beauty Is A Cause For Admiration

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Abraham's Pov
He was mesmerizing. Everything about him intrigued me. The way he refused to make even the slightest eye contact. How when I wasn't paying attention to him, he was paying attention to me. Even his name and how it just rolled off my tongue. I was hooked. Though I could tell he wasn't fond of me. He was scared. Someone had mistreated him.

I know I needed to keep my distance. The last thing I wanted was a repeat of the past. I had promised myself I wouldn't get involved or close. That I wouldn't put someone's life in danger. My father wouldn't hesitate.

If it meant keeping me in line, he'd do it and not show any remorse. So, as much as I felt drawn to Thomas, I knew the only relationship we could have is the one between a slave and his master.

"Abraham are you feeling okay?" my mom asked gaining my awareness

"Yes, ma'am. I'm sorry" I breathed.

"What has your attention?" she hummed.

"Nothing. I'm just looking forward to meeting our guest" I lied.

"Oh good! I'm glad you changed your mind honey. Your father and I really just want what's best for you" she hummed smiling.

"Thanks, mother" I replied and on cue, there was a knock on the front door.

"That must be her. Y'all hurry up and finish setting up" my mom snapped at the servants. I watched them scurry around to finish their tasks, terrified of the woman I called mother and what she might do if they failed.

A couple of minutes later Ruth entered the room with a lady beside her. I stood up to show respect and greet her. Annabeth was beautiful, you had to be a blind man to think otherwise. She was the epitome of beauty, grace, and class but, she wasn't the one for me.

My mom may have wanted to see me married and starting my life but,  I had other thoughts. Mostly ones that were working in the barn at that very moment and forbidden on so many levels.

"Annabeth, welcome. I'm happy you could join us for lunch" I hummed gently taking her hand and kissing the top of it.

"Of course. Thank you for inviting me" she replied. I could see a slight blush tinged her cheeks.

"Well isn't this a lovely sight. You too look great together" my mom commented. I chuckled in embarrassment while Annabeth's blushing became more prominent.

"Should we go to the dining room?" I suggested.

"Yes, everything should be finished" my mother hummed.

I held my hand out for our guest and when she grabbed it, I led her into the next room. There were only three place settings which meant my father wouldn't be joining us.

"My husband is busy. We just bought some new slaves and he's getting them all settled in" she spoke.

"It's fine ma'am" Anna muttered. Pulling out her chair, I waited for her to get seated before I sat down.

"Such manners" she commented offering me a shy smile.

"A perfect gentleman. That was all my doing. If left up to his father he'd be a wild animal" my mom muttered laughing lightly.

I just smiled politely before glancing over to Ruth. The truth is she was the reason I had any manners. From the time I could remember she was always there. Way more than my parents. She raised me but, I couldn't say that aloud. It's blasphemy to think that a slave could take better care of their children though, we all knew it to be the truth.

"So Annabeth how has your day been so far?"  I asked before taking a sip of my water.

"Lovely. I was just in town doing a little shopping with my mother" she responded.

"I hoped you found something that matches your beauty" I hummed causing her to giggle and my mom to smile.

I, on the other hand, wanted to roll my eyes. She was indeed beautiful but, my taste was more for chocolate. I drifted off thinking about Thomas and how he looked out there working. How the would sun set on his skin, giving it a nice red undertone and his eyes which never spent more than a second on me.

Everything about him intrigued me. He was all that I couldn't have. There was a strict line between us and to even think about crossing it put him in danger. He may have just come into my life but, I already was attached. I couldn't lose someone else.

The last thing I wanted was for him to be hanging from a tree. I wouldn't allow that to become his fate. Even if that meant staying away and admiring him from afar.


This was kind of a filler. Just a look into what Abraham is thinking about Thomas. He may feel the chemistry but, Thomas isn't. These two have a long road ahead. Next, we take a look at the relationship between Abraham and his father.




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