🔅 Chapter 20: Tears Shed For Our Love

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Abraham's Pov

"No, you can't! You can't love me. Don't ever say that again" he snapped staring at me like I just said the most horrible thing in the world.

"Thomas" I breathed going to touch him but, he pulled away and it hurt.

"You need to head back before people notice you are gone," he said. His voice had no emotion.

"Please, talk to me" I whispered but, he shook his head. I removed the small, thin blanket and picked up my nightshirt and pants. Once I was dressed, I turned and looked at him.

"You should hurry" he muttered.

"Look at me. Thomas p-please just look at me" I breathed, my voicing cracking a little. For a moment I thought he was going to ignore me but, then he swiveled his head to the side just a little.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't planning on saying that. I'm sorry if my words made you uncomfortable" I hummed.

"This is wrong. I thought I could do this but, I can't. You should just forget everything that has happened. I don't want this anymore. I don't want you" Thomas whispered and it was like someone ripped my heart from my chest and shredded it right in front of me. I couldn't control the tears that began to course down my face.

"You don't mean that. Your just scared" I murmured wiping my face.

"You can't love me Abraham" he stated.

"I do though" I argued.

"I'm sorry for that" he hissed.

"I'm not" I replied.

"Please, just go. I don't want anything to happen to you" he told me.

He was right. I needed to get back before my parents figured out I was gone or some of the slaves came and saw me. Either way, it would not end well. Walking to the door, I tried to mask the discomfort I felt in my lower back. Though the pain was nothing compared to what I was feeling in my heart. Before I went out, I spun around and looked at him with tears still in my eyes.

"I know that it isn't something you can accept right now. I know that it seems impossible considering who we are but, it's true. I love you Thomas" I stated and then left.

As I followed the dirt path back to my house I couldn't stop thinking about his response. How appalled he looked after what I said to him.

Stepping into my house, I began to head upstairs. As I was going up the steps, I stopped halfway. I heard some noises coming from the kitchen so, I turned around and went towards them. It was almost completely dark but, as I got closer I began to recognize the sounds.

Glancing into the doorway of the kitchen, what I saw almost caused me to trip over myself. It was my father and one of the young house slaves. He had her bent over the table, and she was lying there as he took advantage of her. I felt like I wanted to vomit. The sounds of his pleasure drowning out her whimpering.

I should have stopped him but, I knew what would happen to her if I did. He would kill her. My father would lynch her from a tree, just to teach me a lesson and get rid of her. Then he would probably just move on to the next one. So, I turned around and headed back up to my room.

Once I was laying in my bed, I cried. I shed tears for that poor girl, for the man I loved, and for myself. I began to hate myself for being the cause of their pain. Seeing what my father did to her made me realize I was no better. Sleeping with Thomas after knowing the trauma he went through. Being selfish and telling him I loved him. I was no better than any of the others who hurt him, who took advantage of him.

In the middle of my thoughts, I could hear footsteps coming towards my door. They stopped and then minutes later my father walked in. Quickly, I wiped my face and tried to pretend I was asleep.

"Abraham, I know you are up" he scoffed taking a seat on my bed.

"Yes?" I muttered.

"Where were you at, son?" he asked.

"I couldn't sleep so I went to the stables to check on the horses" I lied.

"Hmm. I've told you to stay away from those niggers. What you saw earlier, that's all there good for. We own them and therefore we can do whatever we want to them. They are property, nothing more" he explained. His words made me feel sick to my stomach.

"Yes, sir. I understand" I mumbled.

"Good. The lessons I teach you may seem cruel but, they're necessary. You must know your place and it isn't with the likes of them. They're slaves, that's all they will ever be. It's our job to makes sure they don't step out of line" he continued.

"Yes sir" I repeated.

"Another thing, you'll be married soon so a piece of advice from father to son. Wives also have their place and it isn't necessary for them to know about their husband's affairs. You understand?" my father told me.

"I understand" I replied.

"Okay. Goodnight" he said before getting up and leaving.

Once he was gone, I thought about his words. How he believed in every single one and how those beliefs weren't at all indifferent to what others thought. The hatred was evident and it didn't provide any comfort towards what I was feeling. I had fallen for someone who could never truly be mine. Not if the world had anything to do with it.


There's a lot of pain in this chapter but, I found once I started writing it was easy to finish it. Next, we go into Thomas and why he feels the way he does about those 3 little words. This story will probably only be 30 chapters. I already have the ending planned and I kinda know what the next couple chapter will be.




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