🔅Chapter 13: What You Call Love, I Call It Hate

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Thomas's Pov
"Hmm you seem very calm today" I hummed as I brushed Silas.

I just needed to finish grooming him and then I was done. I was slightly grateful for the fact that my knowledge of horses positioned me to be in the stables, rather than out in the fields. This work was easier than standing for long hours with the sun beating down on you.

My father used to work out in the cotton and tobacco fields. His life started and ended there. I considered it a privilege to not have to go through that. Continuing to brush the horse, I kept my eyes on the entrance. I didn't want to come into contact with anyone especially, my master and his son Abraham. Though the past couple of weeks he has kept his promise and stayed away.

I would see him walking around as I took care of the horses but, he didn't spare any glances my way. I couldn't feel his eyes anymore, the ones that were always watching my every movement out of curiosity. It was a small relief because I didn't want the attention. Though, I must admit it was different with him.

Abraham didn't stare at me with hatred or disgust. He just seemed really curious. Like I was some creature that he had never encountered before. An unknown in his life that he wanted to figure out. It frightened and placed me on edge.

I don't believe he completely understands how shaky the ground was for me and my people. One false step and you'll be hanging from a tree the next morning or worse. I wasn't scared to die. I've come to know there are worst things.

Like being torn from your mother's arms and sold to the highest bidder. Getting tied to a pole while naked and being whipped until you passed out from the pain. Having a man hover above you, as he assaults your teenage body and not being able to do anything because he owns you. I've wished for death. I prayed for the day I would leave this place that hated me for something I couldn't control. The day I would get to see my father again.

"Thomas" a voice called gaining my attention.

Shaking my head, I turned and saw Ruth. She has become a special person to me since I've been here. I imagine she is what having a mother would be like.

"Ma'am" I answered putting the brush down.

"The workday is over honey. Come on, let's get you fed" she hummed.

Nodding my head, I followed her out of the stables. On the way, I ran into Abraham. He was coming around the corner and before I could move, we crashed into each other. Somehow we ended up on the ground with him on top of me.

"Oh my goodness! Abraham!" I heard a female voice shriek.

"Hi" he breathed staring down at me.

"I'm sorry" I muttered.

"Don't be" he whispered grinning slightly.

"Do you mind sir?" I asked looking away.

"Sorry" Abraham hummed before getting up.

He offered his hand but, I shook my head and got up by myself. Now that I wasn't on the ground I saw that the shriek from earlier belonged to a woman. She seemed to be really worried about my master as she asked him if he was okay.

"You should really watch where you are going. Bumping into your master like that" she scoffed side-eyeing me.

"I'm sorry sir" I murmured lowering my head.

"It's fine. Carry on" he said.

I nodded before leaving. As I stepped away, I could feel those curious eyes. Following me and this time I looked back and faced them head-on. He gave me a small smile before I turned back forward.

"That boy is too pure for this harsh world," Ruth told me.

"His kind are the ones that made it harsh" I replied.

"He isn't his father dear" she sighed.

"Who is that lady?" I questioned ignoring her statement.

"His parents would like for him to marry. She's may be the lucky lady. Though from what I can gather he has his eye on someone else" she explained glancing over to me.

"No. Nothing is happening. I stopped it. I stopped him. We are nothing. We can be nothing" I groaned.

"You say that but, things have a way of changing. I just want to make sure your careful" she breathed.

"My entire life has been a nightmare, Ruth. I am alone and that's all because people that look like him took it upon themselves to declare their color of skin superior. To announce to the world that one of their lives is worth more than a hundred of ours. That we amount to nothing and aren't people but, property to be sold off and disposed of. For our bodies don't belong to us! They own them and therefore they can do whatever they want to them. Like rape, a slave boy the day after his dad dies and continue it until the wife gets tired. Until she can't deal with the fact that her husband rather bed a slave than her!" I hissed as the anger rushed through my body finding its release.

"My God" Ruth gasped placing her hand over her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have told you that. I just-I don't know what happened-" I started but, was soon cut off by someone's voice from behind me.

I didn't want to turn around. To see his face and the disgust that would be there. Then again it was necessary and maybe it would be just the thing to kill whatever this was between us.

"Thomas" Abraham murmured. Spinning to look at him, the first thing I noticed was how hurt he looked, next was the tears on his face.

"Did you hear all of that, sir?" I questioned.

"Yes," he breathed coming forward. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Ruth excusing herself, leaving us alone.

"I have to go" I hummed.

"Please wait," he said grabbing my arm.

"No. What is wrong with you? Why do you feel the need to push this? I don't want it okay. I will hang myself before I allow your kind to hurt me like that again. Okay, master" I spat before tearing away from his hold and leaving him there.

It wasn't until I was back in my little hut that I realized what I had done. Disrespected my master, people got lynched for less. I don't know what came over me. He just somehow always finds a way to get to me and I hated it. I hated him.


Happy New Year!!!!!

So, it's a New Year and one of my resolutions is to start updating regularly. Towards last years I started to drift away from Wattpad and my stories. So, I want to get back.

Okay I know I said that I would start to get into Thomas's attraction but, first, we have to get through the animosity he has toward everything Abraham stands for. Next, they confront each and things get heated.




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