🔅Chapter 23: Freedom To Love

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Thomas's Pov

"Hey," Ruth said when she entered the stables. I had just finished putting away the horses and was about to leave.

"Yes ma'am" I replied.

"Come with me. I have something to show you" she hummed.

Nodding my head, I blew out the lantern and followed her. She held onto my arm as we started down a dirt path into the woods. As we continued, I noticed we were getting farther away from the plantation.

"Where are we going?" I asked but, she just looked over at me and smiled.

When we finally stopped, the first thing I noticed was a group of people. They were all slaves, young and some old.  All of them stood in a circle with a few lanterns lighting up there faces.

"Ruth I thought we said we weren't going to bring him" a woman whispered.

"I never agreed to that. Besides this boy has experienced things worse than some of us have. He deserves to be a part of this"  Ruth spoke.

"He's too close to the boy. How can we trust him?" the woman argued.

"Cause he's suffered enough" she responded.

"Ruth, what is this?" I questioned.

"This is a meeting" she answered.

"About what?" I muttered confused.

"The underground railroad. Many slaves have been using it to get to the north and gain freedom. There's a man that has agreed to lead us there" she explained.

I looked at her for a movement before looking around at the others. They seemed to believe what she was saying. I mean I had heard the stories just like the others but, the thought of freedom, it was unfathomable. I couldn't put faith in such a thing.

"You'll be hunted down. They aren't just going to let you leave. You'll be hunted down and killed or worse" I stated.

"That's a chance we are willing to take" a lady spoke.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause son, we're tired. I refuse to believe that this is all there is. I mean what do we have to lose, our lives. Well let me tell you son this here ain't living. I want more. We deserve to live free in a place we've broken our back to create. If there's a chance at freedom, true freedom, then I'm taking it. Anything will be better than this" a man told me stepping forward. When he was finished I noticed others nodding in agreement.

"Listen, Thomas. I brought you here because I know what you've been through, what you have endured. Your young and you can have so many years ahead of you but, not if you stay here. Not if they found out. Leaving can be your chance. I hate to bring this up but, I don't think your father would want you to suffer. He'd want what's best for you" Ruth breathed.

"When is it happening?" I murmured.

"Two days. They are having an engagement party for Abraham and Annabeth. The celebration will have everyone's attention, making it easy for us to get a headstart before they even notice we are gone. We'll meet back here" they explained.

"Okay. I'll be here, for my father" I replied before walking away. I needed some time to think.

Ruth was right, my father would want what is best for me. He would be disappointed if I stayed, not when I could do better. Though as much as the thought of letting him down hurt. It couldn't compare to how I felt when I thought about leaving Abraham. I had managed to stay away from him but if I was to leave there's no telling if I would ever see him again.

When I walked into the hut, it was empty and dark. The only thing shining light into the room was the night stars. I went over to the bed hoping to just get some sleep and forget about everything until I noticed shoes on the floor.

"Where were you?" Abraham asked peaking his face out of the darkness.

"I was closing down the stables. Why are you here?" I breathed.

"I missed you" he responded quietly turning his face. At the moment the moon hit his skin and I was able to see the mark covering his cheek. Hastily, I went over and touched it, worried.

"Ouch!" he hissed.

"What happened?" I asked pulling my hand back.

"My mother. She wasn't particularly fond of the way I acted at dinner" he stated.

"Abraham, you can't be here. If she was to find out, it'll be worse. I've told you this already" I said.

"I don't care. I don't care about my parents or Annabeth! The only thing I care about is you. I love you Thomas" he hissed wrapping his arms around me.

"Okay," I whispered circling my arms around him. I used my hands to stroke his back as his tears covered my shoulder.

"Please don't tell me to go"  he sighed looking at me with his bloodshot eyes.

"I won't" I hummed wiping his face with my hands.

I sat beside him on the bed before moving to lay down. We somehow managed once again to fit on the small bed. Throughout the night I kept my arms around him. I didn't think about how risky it was and the deadly consequences we would face if someone was to see us this way. Or even my impending departure from this treacherous lifestyle. No, the only thing on my mind that night was Abraham. The boy I had met and fallen in love with. The one that laid in my arms and I could never truly have.


So, one more chapter left in this story and then maybe an epilogue. I haven't decided yet. Thomas has confessed to himself that he loves Abraham. Now all he needs to do is tell him. How do you think things are going to end for these two? I don't want to say go much and spoil it.



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