🔅 Chapter 17: Never Moving Forward

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Abraham Pov
Thomas was kissing me. It took a moment for this to register in my brain. I mean this wasn't the first time our lips had touched but before it was me who initiated it. Though now it was him. He was the one pulling me in deeper all the while wrapping his hands around my waist.

It was different. It was amazing. It lifted me from my reality and into a dreamland. I held his shoulders and felt the strength he held there. I know he didn't see himself as a strong person but, he was to me. How else would he be able to survive all that he has?

"Thomas" I breathed when he pulled away and rested his forehead against mine.

"Quiet please" he whispered closing his eyes. I did like he said and kept my mouth closed. I just enjoyed this moment.

"There are so many reasons why we can't do this but, none come to mind when I'm like this with you. Standing here touching you, kissing you. It could destroy everything" Thomas whispered.

"I know. I know" I hummed laying my head on his shoulder. As light as his kiss made me feel, now that it was over the weight of the world was placed back ok my shoulders.

"Cause of past, I never liked to be touched. Your different" he said tightening his arms around me, hugging my body close.

"You make me feel amazing" I spoke quietly glancing up at him. He smiled. I believe it was the first time I ever saw the sight and it was phenomenal. Though it was small, his smile seemed to have added more light to my world.

"You make me feel free" he replied and I could have cried.

Stepping back, I looked at him and then glanced over at the tree. I don't know what came over me but, for a moment I thought I saw my childhood friend standing there. He just stared back at me with a look of sadness. It was enough to strike fear into my heart.

"We should um head back. I don't want you to get punished for being gone" I murmured not taking my eyes off the vision in front of me.

"Abraham are you okay?" Thomas questioned and I could hear the concern laced in his words.

"I'm fine. Let's just go" I grumbled turning around. I couldn't stare at him any longer. My biggest regret was haunting me.

"Hey" Thomas breathed grabbing my arm.

"Hmm" I muttered not turning my face to look at him.

"I've never really believed in anything other than God. He was the one person in my life that could provide me with comfort especially, after losing my father. Since then I have just been waiting for the day when I could finally see him again. Now I've changed" he explained.

"I feel like we're just going in circles, having the same conversation. I hope that we can move forward but, it's hard. So much is against us Thomas" I confessed.

"I know," he said.

"What do we do?" I ask.

"I don't have the answers, Abraham. I'm sorry" he murmured.

I didn't say anything, just nodded. Removing my arm from his hold, I took his hand and pulled him over to the woods out of sight. The more we stood out in the open space, the higher the chance of us getting caught. Once we were surrounded by trees, I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Fine. Then one day at a time until...." I started not wanting to finish.  I didn't want to think about what would happen to him if anyone found out about us.

"Okay," he sighed smiling slightly. Like I said before, it was a beautiful sight.

"Okay," I repeated. He kissed me again and I forgot about all our woes. With every piece of clothing he removed off of my body I felt lighter until I was bare and high above the ground.

"Abraham" he whispered staring down at me. Thomas looked scared like he didn't want to go further.

"We don't have to," I said my voice barely above a whisper.

"It's not that. I-I-Is this what you want? If not, please tell me" he told me and I was reminded of what he went through when he was a child. It broke my heart because he was terrified of doing what was done to him.

"I want this. I want you" I responded.

He nodded and proceeded. I didn't know what I expecting. I had never ventured that far with another person. Thing is even though it was my first time Thomas was there every step of the way. He made sure that I was okay, that he didn't hurt me but, when I reached my climax the last thing I was thinking about was the pain.

"I'm sorry" Thomas whispered after.

"Stop. I'm fine" I hummed getting dressed. I was trying to put on my trousers but, the pain in my backside was making it a little difficult.

"Abraham" he sighed when he heard a sound of discomfort leave my lips. Within moments he was in front of me, helping. I didn't say anything and just allowed him too.

"Please don't feel bad. I enjoyed it" I assured him.

"Trying soaking in the tub. It helps from what I remember" he muttered looking down.

"Stop," I said lifting his face but, he still refused to make eye contact with me.

"I can't. I know what it feels like. I should of never put you through that. I shouldn't have hurt you not, like how he did me. Why didn't you tell me to stop?" he muttered.

"Thomas-" I started but, he stopped me.

"I have to go...before they notice I'm gone" he stated glancing at me before leaving. At that point, I noticed a couple of tears on his face. That's when I knew that even though what we did was a beautiful thing it, brought up an ugly past. One that could destroy all our progress.


Man, I don't know with this story. I feel like I'm finally making headway with the storyline but, damn it took me a moment to get there. I have the ending planned out now, I just have to build up to it. Anyways, they slept together and now Thomas is experiencing a little PTSD. More in the next chapter. Also, Abraham and his mom get into it.




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