🔅Chapter 16: Tell Me What Haunts You

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Thomas's Pov

"I'm sorry" I whispered removing myself from his embrace before someone saw us.

"Are you okay now?" Abraham asked getting up.

"I'm fine" I muttered brushing the dirt off me.

"Don't lie. You looked terrified a few moments ago. Tell me what happened" he said placing his hand on the side of my face.

"I can't so, please just leave it be sir" I sighed resting my hand on top of where his lay.

"No. You said you wanted to be better. How about letting me in? I can't help if you don't allow me to. Every time I try to take us one step forward, you drag us back five" he groaned.

"It isn't easy. To just ignore everything that stands between us" I argued.

"You think I don't know that. I may not have gone through what you have, I may not know your struggle but, I know pain. Not to say that it is on any level of what you experienced but, I'm not oblivious" he stated staring at me.

"Your right but, until you walk in my shoes, how can we ever find common ground" I muttered.

"Fine. Follow me" Abraham hummed before walking away.

I contemplated just walking away and heading back to the stables but, then I remembered what I saw in there. I wasn't ready to go back. He led me away from the plantation and down this little path. We kept on until we came upon this big tree. He stopped so abruptly that I bumped into his back and would of fell, if not for his hand reaching out and steadying me.

"Sorry" I whispered.

"It's okay" he rasped not even sparing me a glance. He just stared up at the tree with a pained expression.

"Why am I here?" I asked.

"You aren't the first slave that I've crossed lines with. That I have gotten to close to" he began. I didn't say anything just let him continue.

"When I was younger my father came back with some new slaves. One of them was a little boy named Ben. He was my best friend and I was naive. I didn't know back then. I didn't really understand what made me and him so different. All I knew was that he was a friend. We used to climb this tree. This was our secret spot, so many memories" he whispered smiling slightly.

"What happened?" I asked softly.

"My father found out I was getting to close to the slaves. I needed to know my place, boundaries. He had to teach me that there were lines and I shouldn't dare cross them. So, he lynched Ben. The next day I found his body hanging from this tree. He was only 11 years old" Abraham spoke his voice dead. There was no emotion there, only the tears that fell down his face.

"I'm sorry" I muttered because I didn't know what else to say. It was heartbreaking but, the harsh reality of our lives, my life. Truth was that I didn't know if I was lucky or cursed to have survived this long.

"I should be the one apologizing. Everything you said before, I knew you were right. I just thought I could do things differently this time. I acted like I wasn't aware of the consequences. I was. Just by even having this conversation, I'm putting your life in danger but...." he breathed cutting off abruptly.

"Abraham?" I question turning towards him.

The tears had taken over. I looked away for a moment before wrapping my arms around him. I hugged him. He was hurting and no matter our differences I wasn't raised to take pleasure in someone else's pain. That would truly disgrace my father's memory.

"I know that I'm being selfish because I keep dragging you in. I just don't see how I can let you go now. How I can just forget about you?" he murmured wiping his face.

"Thanks for telling me. I know it wasn't easy. You cared for him but, it is selfish. You saw what happens. What this thing between us could bring about? I've experienced agony, all of my life but, I meant what I said. I don't want to hate you. I can't. If you're selfish than so am I. It would be a lie if I told you that your presence in my life hasn't made an impact and I don't think I'm willing to release you yet either" I confessed stepping back so, I could look at his face.

He looked so vulnerable and it was weird. His people, they never showed any weakness. They loved to broadcast their strength. That they were better and had more power than those they considered worthless. Maybe I should have felt good seeing him broken like this. I mean I have suffered so much at the hands of his kind but, I couldn't find it in myself. To revel in someone else's pain, it wasn't me.

"Abraham" I whispered gaining his attention.

"Yes," he muttered.

I kept quiet. I was tired of talking, of being sad. I needed to be happy. For just once I didn't want to worry about the consequences, about the chains and ropes that were constantly tying me down to this life of hell. I wanted to taste freedom and at the moment that is what he looked like to me. Freedom.


So, I'm turning 21 in a couple of days and I'm reminded of a lesson I had to learn at a young age. You can't force someone to be in your life, they either are or aren't.

Anyways, I swear it takes me so long to write chapters for this book. I will be working on these fuckers for three days straight, no joke. I'm glad that it's finally done and y'all can read it. What do you think? They are opening up to each other. Next chapter they get closer than before....☺️.




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