🔅Chapter 8: The Scars We Share

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Thomas's Pov

After I finished up in the stables, I headed over to where I would be sleeping. Master had all these tiny cabins set outback. They were big enough to squeeze three beds in there. As I walked to the one I was staying in, I felt the stares.

While I was working on the horses it had gotten very hot so, I took off my shirt. I hadn't put it back on and now my scars were on display. Keeping my eyes on the ground, I continued on my way. 

I knew what I would see if I looked at their faces. Not pity or disgust but, understanding. It was just as worst. The fact that they understood what it felt like to tied to a wooden post and whipped until they were unconscious or barely clinging onto life.

When I was 7 years old, I saw a woman get whipped until the master got tired. The worst thing was it lasted for hours. He would take breaks and then continue on. Making all the slaves watch, letting us know we would suffer the same fate if we disobeyed. She died, unable to withstand the torture. Her back shredded down to to the bone.

"Hello, are you one of the new ones?" someone asked causing me to halt. Glancing up I saw an older woman. She was watching me, waiting for an answer.

"Yes ma'am" I murmured making my sure eyes stayed to ground.

"Raise your head child. We don't look down when around our own. There will come a day when we can walk around all the time with our heads held high" she told me. I did like I was told and raised my eyes to her.

"That's better. My name is Ruth" she hummed.

"Thomas" I breathed.

"Strong name. How old are you Thomas?" she questioned.

"18 ma'am" I responded.

"A young one. Come on. I'll show you where you will be sleeping. As you know they aren't much" Ruth spoke leading me away from the public eye. This time I looked around and saw a couple of children, even what appeared to be families which were rare. Most of the time they were separated from each other.

My father once told me it was how they controlled us. They took away the ones we loved to prove their power and to make money. We weren't people to them. We were like animals. Forced to breed and then sold for the highest price. When we got too old we were put down.

I still remember the day I was taken from my mother. It was during my first slave auction. My old master bought my father and me but, my mother was left behind to be sold to a lady who needed women for her house. It was like being torn in two.

I was lucky to have at least one parent but, it still hurt to lose the other. The worst part is you weren't allowed to show it. Unless you wanted to be chained up to a whipping pole. Families made you weak, they gave you something to fight for and that isn't what they wanted.

"Here we are," Ruth said leading me into the small wooden structure. There were three makeshift beds against the wall.

"Thank you" I hummed.

"You are a quiet one. That's good. That's how we survive" she sighed.

"I know," I said looking up at her. She smiled slightly but, I saw her glance toward my back.

"How old?" she whispered pain coating her words.

"9 and then 12" I answered looking back at the ground.

"Well just keep your head down and do the work. Our master won't pay you any mind if you do" she explained.

"Yes ma'am" I responded.

"Oh and stay away from the master's son. He's a sweetheart but, he causes pain even when he doesn't mean too. It will do you well to just keep your distance" Ruth stated.

"Yes ma'am" I muttered. She nodded and then headed to the doorway but, stopped before she left.

"Do you have anyone out there for you?" she asked quietly. I glanced over at her. Such pain she held in her eyes. It was familiar, something we all shared. The thing that connected us.

"No, I have no one" I spoke.

She sighed and then left. When I was finally alone, I took a hand and touched the scars on my back. They were all the reminder I needed to stay in my place. Family made you weak and want to fight. It was a good thing for them that I didn't have any.


What do you guys think about this chapter? Ruth warned Thomas to stay away from Abraham. He may listen but, what about Abraham. Another encounter between the two coming next.

Check out my new book White Privilege if you guys are looking for something else to read.




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