🔅Chapter 1: The Expense Of Freedom

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Thomas's Pov

Today was the auction. My old master brought me here because he said that I was becoming useless and he was tired of me. We both knew that was anything but, the truth. I sat in the back of the wagon with my hands tied together and my head down. Even though there were others back here, it was silent. We all know what was going to happen.

I glanced over to my side and saw a boy no more than 6 years old holding onto his mother's dress. He was only a little older than me when I was brought to my first slave auction. That was the day I learned the real horrific truth about the world we lived in.

After a while, the horses attached to the wagon stopped. I looked out and saw we were here and waited for Master Henry. He came and pulled us out before leading us behind the wooden stage. I could see other slaves and their owners but, I didn't focus too much on them and kept my attention on the crowd.

Any one of these people would be buying me and I just prayed they treated their slaves decent but, then again that was rare. We seemed to be toward the bottom of the food chain. We were property, meant to be owned and used in whatever way they saw fit.

Women and children were sold off first and typically to people looking for house slaves. Men came last because we usually brought in the most profit.  We all lined up across the stage with our shirts off so they were able to get a nice visual of our strength.

I stared straight ahead as dozens of eyes roamed over me. I knew they could see them, the scars that wrapped around my mid chest to my back. They were a memory of what freedom costs you in this world. It was a visual of what standing up for yourself got you. These marks showed a lesson that I was taught, and very well.

"Alright men, give your bids. We have some prized niggers up here for you gentlemen today" the auctioneer spoke and pretty soon all you could hear was the yelling of prices.

I blocked them out and focused on the buyers. Some of the less poor men looked angry as the big owners pulled out wads of cash, letting everyone know they were here for the best and that's exactly what they'd be leaving with. One by one, they made us step forward and one by one we were sold off to the highest bidder.

When it was my turn I stood there my face stoic as always. The worst thing you could do was show weakness because that's what they preyed upon. As the numbers were shouted I looked at the sky keeping my ears open.

"Sold!!! To Mr.Johnson" the man shouted gaining my attention.

I glanced over and to see my new master. He was a pretty average of a man and by his clothing, I could tell he was a rich owner but, what really intrigued me was his face. In his eyes, I could see it although he kept it hidden it was there, the hate.

The rest of the auction past by quickly as I stood and watch mothers be ripped away from their children. It was like watching the past replay over and over again. When it finally ended, the men quickly came and claimed their property.

"Boy come on, I ain't got all damn day! Get in here!" Mr.Johnson yelled when he saw me. Walking over I got in the back with a little struggle since my hands were still tied.

The ride to my new home was long but, I didn't mind it. I watched as we passed trees and open fields. When he finally stopped, it was in front of this beautiful yellow house. It was bigger than my last owners, proving that this master was way more wealthy.

"Get out" he spoke coming around to the back. I jumped down and stood there as he cut the rope off my wrist.

"What's your name boy?" he asked.

"Thomas, sir" I replied quietly.

"Follow me, Thomas," he said before walking forward. I followed him while viewing the land. I managed to see over 50 slaves in the fields picking cotton, some women carrying laundry and another cleaning outside. Mr.Johnson led me over to what I assumed to be the stables just by the smell.

"You'll be working in here, taking care of my horses. You better not mess them up, you hear me" he murmured.

"Yes sir" I answered.

"The houses are over there, just find one that's open. Foods delivered at the beginning of every week. Do not come into the house and don't try to run away. You'll be hunted down and hanged. I can't allow one of you niggers loose, bad for business. I'll send my son out to show you where everything is" Mr.Johnson told me before leaving.

Opening the door I walked in and looked around. There were eight horses including the two attached to the wagon in front. I had never been around animals but, I was relieved that it was different than what my last master had me doing. This was a new place and hopefully better. I just needed to follow orders and be mindless just how they wanted. I wasn't going to look for freedom this time because I've learned my lesson.


First chapter what do you guys think. This is different than what I usually write, a little more challenging but, I think I can do it. Though what do you believe happened to Thomas? Next, I'm introducing Abraham and his life.



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