Izuku's heart fluttered in his chest as he repeated that sentence in his head. His cheeks glowed slightly pink, as he hoped her words were true.


Dear Katsuki,

        I'm happy that you doing fine and out of the hands of villains. I hope You and Izuku are getting along by decency standard. And I'm sorry to hear you didn't earn your license, but I believe in you Katsuki. I know you will get that license, and don't worry I'm training hard to be a strong witch that can maybe defeat you. I hope to see you soon.  :D 


               Y/n Potter.

Bakugou Simply rolled his eyes at Maybe defeating him, as she could really put up a challenge. But his heart flipped in his chest as he read over 'I hope to see you soon'. He scoffed and quickly shoved the letter into one of the drawers in his desk, that was already full of previous letters from Y/n.


"So how are we going to find Isamu. You know without being caught by both heroes and villains," Roman Asked as the group rode their brooms through the sky.

"Don't worry My vision says he will be in the same place as Eri. And the hero's are looking for her," Mimi said confidently.

" Okay, where is she?" Vexon asked.

"With Overhaul," She said simply.

"So we're back at square one," Y/n groaned.

"I do know that Midoriya will meet her on his first patrol," Mimi informed.

"Then we need to find Midoriya," Roman said as they hurried up to the main Island of Japan.


Eri ran through the ally trying to flee Overhaul. As she ran she thought back to a memory, Isamu's promise.

It was 5 months into Overhauls experiments, and during this time Eri found comfort in Isamu. Who too had  lost his innocence of childhood like her. In that dark room he would practice his powers and read many fantasy books that was given to them.

One of the books was about two friends who escape from a evil monsters castle and run away to explore the world. Everytime they would read that book, Eri's eyes would water as she imagined herself free from Overhaul.

"Hey Eri," Isamu nudged 

"Yeah," Eri answered.

"When I become strong I'll go far away and over the hills from Overhaul, and would you come with me?" Isamu weakly smile.

Isamu waved his hand and mumbled some things as a tiny burst of flames slamed into the metal door.

"Like in the story?" Eri asked with a tiny spark of hope.

"Yeah," Isamu nodded.


But as Eri looked back she could only see the monster coming after her. When she bumped into someone when a kind hand suddenly helped her up.

It was a green haired boy wearing a darker green hero suit.

"Are you alright?" The boy asked.

Just across the street under the magic of the invisibility cloak, Y/n, Mimi, and Roman watched from a far.

"So is that her?" Roman asked.

"Yep, but it looks like Isamu didn't escape like Eri," Mimi confirmed.

"So how are we supposed to find His hideout. And I'm pretty sure Yakuza have more than one?" Vexon asked.

" why don't we wait and see what the hero's do. They can handle the villains, while we can sneak in and escape with Isamu," Y/n suggested.

"How are we supposed to do that?" Roman asked.

"Overhaul is a big time villain. Surely they will do something about it. So why don't we just follow midoriya for know," Vexon said.


After another day of testing Eri watched Isamu focus on his hands as a blue misty light form from his hands. Her friend was covered in bruises and cuts from Overhaul. Isamu consintrated as hard as he could, when a wolf pup emerged from his palms and floated around the room, it was dark blue and transparent . Eri stared in awe as the pup ran around the room and knocking over toys and small boxes. The pup soon ran up to Eri and licked her cheeck.

"What is it?" Eri asked simply.

"I think it supposed to be kind spirit," Isamu said with an unsure shrug.

The to were brought out of their conversation when the door to the room suddenly opened, and a weird man walked into the room. It seemed another goon overhaul sent to earn Eri's trust and reason to stay. Trying to wein Eri's trust off of Isamu, soon the man left as Eri scooted closer to her friend.

"I don't like him," Eri sobbed.

as Isamu studied her friend he picked a since of change in Eri, as she pulled a pillow over her head.

"You found a hero didn't you?" Isamu asked... "What were they like?"

"H-he was...Gentle, warm, and kind," She whimpered.

"Did he seem like a determined one?" Isamu asked.

"He did," Eri mummbled.

"I guess you'll be out of here soon," Isamu smiled weakly.

"What do you mean?" Eri  asked.

"They know know your in danger, so they will do what ever it takes to save you," Isamu explained.

"what about you?" Eri asked in a worried tone.

"I don't know, maybe they'll save me," Isamu said trying to  ease her worries. "But when the hero's do come, please go with them, let them save you,"

"I want you to come with me... Over the hill and far away from here," Eri said softly.


The witch [reader x various]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora