" Shut up Twinkle!!" Kunj shouted to stop her.
" Why? Does that hurt? Only I should feel the pain? You shouldn't, Kunj Singhania?" Twinkle asked in cold tone.

He heard her and calmed a bit.
" Twinkle, please.. I love you." He said with emotions in his eyes.
" These three words used to flutter my heart everytime I used to hear it from you but now I only feel anger, hate and disgust over myself more than you. So just get away from me!!" Twinkle said and pushed him back.

She take a step to go from there but then she stopped as she felt a sudden uneasiness and everything around turning black in front of her eyes. She put her hand on her forhead and last thing she felt was kunj holding in his arm before she falls on the floor.
" Twinkle??? Twinkle, wake up!!" He pats her face.
Kunj took her in his arm and made her lay on the bed.

After sometime:
" Don't worry, she is fine. It happens in this condition. Take care of her and don't let her take stress." Doctor said.

"Ok, thank you doctor." Kunj said and doctor went.
Kunj go and sit beside Twinkle. She was lying peacefully. He hold her hand that was on her belly and closed his eyes.
" I am sorry for giving you pain Twinkle. I am sorry baby for hurting your Mumma. I accept all your anger and punishment but I can't let you go away from life. I love you both. I know it won't be easy but I will gain your love back Twinkle." Kunj said with emotions looking at her.
He went close to her face and kissed her forhead lovingly with closed eyes. Then only he felt her finger moved and hold his hand unconsciously. He smiled.

Two more days passed.


" Sanskar, shekhar Gadodia is planning something really big but exactly what, we don't know." Kunj said.
"Kunj is Right bhai, I tried to get any information but only came to know that It is the biggest deal of his life and Everything on stake. If this deal is successfully done then he will get unimaginable profit." Laksh said.
" But right now, his company don't have any project. Then which deal he got?" Sanskar asked.
"It's definitely something related to his illegal business. I tried to know but still no information. " Kunj said.
" Is there nothing, so that we can stop him and this deal can stop." Sanskar said.
"I Really don't know sanskar but police wasn't able to trap him even in gun consignment case. He smartly came up and putting all the blame to someone else and that person also agreed that he was involved with DCP not shekhar Gadodia." Kunj said.

"No Kunj, something must be there that can help us and destroy him. We need to think something. We need to know what's his lifetime deal? If that deal can bring profit for him then we have to make sure he lost it and not left with anything. That will be the final destruction of him and his death." Sanskar said thinking something.

Then only a guard came running to them.
" Sir.. sir.. THAT GIRL RAN AWAY!!" He said breathing heavily.
" What?" Sanskar asked shockingly.
" Yes sir," The guard said.
" What the hell are you talking? how can be it possible?" Sanskar asked angrily.
" We don't know sir, I went to give her dinner but we didn't find her." Guard said in scared tone.
Sanskar ,kunj and Laksh rushed to Swara's room but it was true they didn't find Swara there. Sanskar looked around. His eyes caught the window. The glass frame was on the floor.
" Swara.. Damn it!!" sanskar murmured and hold his head.
" Find her!!!" Sanskar told angrily to the guards.

On the other hand:
A girl in blue and white combination suit salwar was seen running on the narrow road. She was Swara. She was looking behind again and again in fear, if someone is following her. She run as much fast as she could.


Swara was pacing here and there in room. She threw Everything here and there and then went to window and banged on window glass but it was hurting her only. She just wanted to get out of here. She was worried for her dad and reminding sanskar word about killing her dad was making her more restless.
She angrily punch on the window but it only hurt her more .
" Damn it!!" Swara Murmured angrily.

It wasn't going to break, she knew it but still she was doing useless effort she thought. Then only her eyes caught the screws on the side frame of window. She thinks something and looked around but find nothing. Checked drawers, cupboards but still find nothing. Then only her eyes caught spoon lying on the table with plate that was brought for her lunch. She hold the spoon and see the opposite end.
"Let me try, if this will work." She thought.
She pointed the opposite end of spoon to screw head and twisted and tried to open the screw. It was so hard because screw were so tight and mere spoon can't do much. Swara put all her strength and it helped. She removed them one by one. Four were remaining when she heard someone coming. She went and sat on the bed normally like nothing happened and turned her face away. A guard came inside. He look at her. Then took the plate. Swara feared if he noticed the spoon is not there but took a deep sigh when he went out and the door was locked again. She again went to window and removed other screws and carefully took out the glass frame from the window then keep it on the floor carefully without sound then looked out from window. She sat on the window and put her leg out. It was first floor still she gathered some courage closing her eyes and jumped from the window. Her legs got hurt but she got up and run from there as fast she can.

Flashback end..

To be continued...

Illusion: Loved Someone Who Never Exist✓Where stories live. Discover now