Part 52

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(Hello, since we are back at –country- I will put a (J) when it’s Japanese. Else they speak whatever you speak.)

(J) “Open your eyes Y/l/n,” I heard Shinso say.

I opened my eyes. We weren’t in the police station but in an alley.

(J) “Are we here?” I asked.

(J) “I don’t know,” Shinso said.

(J) “That’s what you need to find out,” Aizawa said.

I began to walk out of the alley. (J) “This is my neighbourhood.”

(J)“You need to look a little more,” Aizawa said. “If it’s a parallel universe you might not be able to see a difference so easily.”

I walked out of the alley, Aizawa, Lee and Shinso followed. I made my way towards my house. Everything looked the same. Same mailboxes, same names, same houses.

“Shut up and give me that drink!” I heard.

(J) “Did you hear that voice?” Aizawa asked.

(J) “Yes I did, and I think, I know who it belongs to,” I answered.

I made my way around a corner. I was right.

“I never thought, I would be so happy to see your ugly face,” I said.
Who is that?

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