Part 39

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I had found my way out of the school, but now I was just lost in the outside arena of the school. I sat down by a tree. I had no idea who to get back, and I wasn’t much of a map reader.

“Hey there!” A guy with quite long, messy grey hair came towards me.

“Hi?” I answered.

“Who are you?” the guy said. “Are you new? I haven’t seen you around before.”

“Y/n Y/l/n,” I answered. “And I don’t go here, I was visiting a friend, and now I'm lost.”

The guy sat down in front of me. “Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu.”

“Nice meeting you.”

“So which hero is lucky enough, to have you visit?”


“That grumpy guy?”


We laughed a little.

“So you are trying to become a hero?” I said.

“Yeah,” Tetsutetsu answered. “I might get some competition, but I'll keep fighting!”

“Why would you get competition?”

“Me and a guy from Bakugou’s class have similar quirks.”

“I know 1A quite well, so who is it?”


“You have a Harding quirk too?!”
Well well

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