Part 7

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(Hi before we get any further, I could probably say, that I am not gonna use –san, -sama and all that. I am well aware that in Japan, it is rude if you don’t use them, but I am not going to use them. So, now you are warned, please don’t be mad at me because of this. To those who don’t know what I am talking about, in Japan you put honorifics behind people’s names. Example: Last name-san. San is used as Mr, Ms and so on. It’s used at normal politeness. Another is Senpai/Sempai. It's used for someone’s senior in a group or organization. I am not expert in this, so I am sorry if I got something wrong.)

I wasn’t looking as I bumped into a guy and feel to the ground.
I looked up at the guy. It was a young teen with green hair, in a green suit. Next to him was an older guy with blonde hair, and a suit where 1000000 was written over his chest.

“Sorry,” I quickly said.

The boy reached his hand down to me. “Are you okay?”

I hesitated, before I took his hand. “Yeah.” I could hear the insecurity in my voice.

The boy looked worried at me.  “Are you sure? You can tell me.”

I felt my breathing go faster again, as I looked around.  “Yeah.”

“Is someone after you?” The boy looked around.

I felt as panic really kicked in. I didn’t feel it that much before, because my brain hadn't really caught up.

“I don’t know!” I felt as my knees weakened.

“Let’s sit down.” The boy let me to a chair standing in front of the café we were at. “What is going?”

“I don’t know what to do.” I felt tears push. I hated crying, but when you have no idea where you are, how you got there, or what to do, it’s pretty hard not to cry. Especially when you are just a normal high school student.

“What is going on?” the boy asked. "You can tell us. I’m is Deku, and that's Lemillion.”

Why should that help me trust them? I didn’t know those weird names!  “Why should that help me trust you?”

Deku looked confused at me.  “I thought you might have heard about us. We are from UA.”
Now its just because I am too lazy to go through the whole text adding honorfics😂

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