Part 47

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I sat in the teacher's room, Aizawa apparently had come further to get me home.

“So I know how we get you home safely,” Aizawa said. “First you need to meet someone.”

A guy with purple hair and big bags under his eyes entered the room.

“This is Shinso,” Aizawa continued. “His quirk is Brainwashing. With his quirk we can make sure Lee doesn’t try anything. Me and Shinso will also come to your world, and make sure that you arrive at the right world.”

I smiled over at Shinso. He just nodded.

“So you will go to my world too?” I asked.

“Only to make sure that we leave you the right place,” Aizawa answered.

“And when do we do this?”

“Tomorrow hopefully.”

I felt a lump in my throat. I was gonna leave tomorrow. I was gonna leave the friends, I had gotten here. What was I even gonna say, when I come home? How was I gonna explain, where I had been the last two weeks?
Well sounds like a Y/n problem

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