Part 20

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I turned to my book, but quickly got confused. “What is an Emitter quirk?”

“Huh?” Bakugou looked up at me. “You don’t know?”

“I only found out about quirks yesterday.”

“An Emitter quirk is a quirk like mine.” He held out his hand as an explosion came.

“Okay that is cool!” I exclaimed.

“I have one of the strongest quirks in the class.”

“I bet. Show me more please!” Even though I didn’t care about superpowers in my world, seeing on in real life was so interesting.

“As you wish.” Bakugou stood up, grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the elevator.

“Where are we going?!”


“Bakugou! I can’t go outside!”

Bakugou stopped. “Who cares, everyone is somewhere, no one will see you.”
💣 💥💥

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