Chapter Five

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"I swear, the food in this canteen better be halfway decent or I'll turn this school upside down"

It was only halfway through the day and already the three Irish transfers were sick of 'highschool'. Their day had been a bit of a show to be quite honest.

Axel had an argument with the teacher in English as to why she kept saying 'period' after every sentence. He argued confidently that this was English and not Sex Ed, to which the teacher explain it was their term for a 'full stop'.

Auroa had to repeat everything she said five times, each time slower than the last in order for people to understand her. Eventually she gave up and bitterly told them 'Póg mó thóin'.

Meanwhile Atlas had to explain to his fellow class mates why he wasn't ginger and that no, leprechauns don't exist.

Finally, lunch had rolled around, much to all their relief. Axel was only praying that the food was edible. Aurora told them she was gonna go get a seat while the two guys went to wait in line to get food. Aurora looked around the room, hoping the wouldn't be forced to sit at a table with some more Americans. It's not that she has anything agaisnt Americans, it's just that the Irish are incredibly proud of their culture, and get particularly annoyed about the stereotypes.

She began walking around the room. People watched her, whispering to one another. Some even scooted over to make room for her at their table in hopes that she would spot the seat and take it, but she was oblivious to all of this. She was so focused on her surroundings that she wasn't looking in front of her and instead, walked straight into somebody.

She stumbled back and apologised for not looking where she was going, until she looked up and recognised the hooded figure in front of her.

"Sunshine" She mumbled, a grin taking over her face. She hoped that Noah wouldn't spot their interaction, though she didn't have time as she was instantly trapped in him. Synn tensed at the voice, instantly putting a face to the melody. He looked up and caught her looking at him with that same heart stopping smile. All attention was on them now. Aurora remained clueless to the stares, but Synn didn't. He never had this much attention on him before and it cause his anxiety to peek. This was why people like him don't associate with people like her. He clenched his fists tightly, drawing Aurora's eyes away from his hood and towards his hands. She frowned at the gesture, feeling guilty that she seemed to always cause this reaction from him.

"I'm sorry" She said sincerely, her lips set in a pout as she stared at her feet. Her hands fiddled behind her back, feeling anxious. Synn's mouth parted slightly, not expecting such a genuine reaction from Ms. Privelaged. The sullen look on her face with the guilt swimming in her mesmerising orbs only confused him. Nobody has ever apologised to him. Ever.

Synn shook his head, ridding himself of such thoughts. Without another glance, he walked past her and out the door of the canteen. Aurora stood there silently. She continued to wonder why he didn't like her. Why did she always get a negative reaction from him?

"You mean to tell me that these are mashed potatos? This looks like like my toilet bowl after a Sunday roast!" The attention was drawn away from Aurora as Axels yells bounced throughout the dining hall. He was standing at the top of the line, a tray in his hands while looking at the thing the lunch lady called 'mashed potatos'. He was completely apaulled by the sight. Atlas scowled at his brothers rudeness, though couldn't help but grimace at the sight also.

"Listen here puddin', nobody's ever complained about my mashed potato's before so you can take your opinion and shove it up your hole" The lunch lady snapped, waving a spoon in his face. She was an older woman, her face drained from working in the kitchen for a school canteen. Her ravan hair was tucked under a hair net. Her white apron had numerous unknown stains that seemed to never wash out. She was grumpy and never smiled, all the students knowing at this stage to get their lunch and leave, but Axel was the only exception.

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