Chapter Thirty-Five

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Aurora was getting ready the next morning for school in her room. With everything going on, the triplets gad manage to avoid going to school yesterday. The last ti.e Aurora was in school, she had been ignoring Synn. Fun times. She fixed her hair into a simple pony tail, a red ribbon tied around it to match her dress. She grabbed her back and slung it over her shoulders before stepping out of the room. However, she walked straight into a hard muscly back.

"Fucking hell" She groaned, grabbing her nose which she was sure was broken at this stage.

"I'm sorry Ms. King, are you okay?" Auroras eyes shot up once she heard the voice. Synns eyes shone in amusement as she stared down at Auroras tired but gobsmacked face. Her eyes raked his figure, dressed in black slacks and a black shirt. Balck suspended to tie the look together that Bruise told him to wear before he even showed up at the interview tomorrow. Bruise warned him bout alot of things, including his choice of clothing. Auror appreciated it. He looked hot.

"No, I actually have a boo boo riiiiiight here" She said, pointing at her lips. Synns eyes darted down to her full lips, watching as they stretched into a cheeky smile. "Can you kiss it better?" She asked, clasping her hands behind her back and rotating her body side to side innocently. Synn blushed lightly, wrapping a hand around to her back and pushing her forward.

"Isaac has breakfast ready" He grumbled, shoving her towards the staircase. Aurora skipped down the stairs while Synn walked slightly in front of her to her left, worried she was about to fall with her carelessness at the moment.

"Why were you outside my room?" She asked.

"I am your bodyguard, have you forgotten already? I have to be with you twenty-four-seven, expect in school. Thats the only time I get a break from being your bodyguard and supposedly 'my time off', but unfortunately" Synn paused on the stairs, causing Aurora to almost stumble into his back again. He turned around and bent down to her height, even though she was on a step higher than him. "You'll still be a major pain in my hole" He whispered bluntly before turning around and continuing walking nonchalantly. Aurora snorted in laughter and hopped down the rest of the stairs after him.

"Who's gonna take care of me in school then?" Aurora asked curiously.

"You're still gonna have your security guards from before watching from a distance. Levi said it works out since if I was walking around with you in a high-school it would look weird and at the same time, he can keep the Crudes happy too" Synn explained, everything now making sense to the young girl. Eventually the two made it to the kitchen. Aurora ran inside and hopped up onto one of the stools beside Elijah. Elijah looked down at the top of her head with a small smile and the glanced at the door to see Synn standing there, a watchful eye on his sister.

"Beau, take a seat. Help yourself to whatever you'd like" Isaac said kindly, gesturing to all the fruits, breakfast muffins and fresh juices on the counter top. Synn looked as Isaac, slightly surprised but tried not to let it show. Isaac noticed however. Synn didn't take a seat but instead stood beside Aurora who sat at the end stool. He reached over to grab the orange juice and while doing so, Aurora couldn't help but gaze up at him as she took off pieces from the muffin and ate it. Axel looked across at her as he stuffed a muffin into his mouth. I mean, he couldn't blame her really, the man was gorgeous. Synn stood back straight and poured the orange juice into the glass in front of him. He then poured some into the empty glass in front of Aurora. She looked down at it.

"Drink" He mumbled. Aurora did as she was told. Axel heard it, as did Elijah and they glanced at eachother with a shared look. They were all watching him like a hawke, and noted everything he was doing, including his intentions to keep her hydrated apparently.

The Foolजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें