Chapter Eight

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"Can I come in?" He asked flatly. Aurora squinted her eyes at him and popped her left hip.

"I don't allow arrogant pricks in my room" She stated cheekily. Alaric stepped past her any and began to walk towards her bed.

"That's okay, Levis already gone to bed then" He replied, dodging the dig she obviously threw at him. He sat down on her bed and looked at her expectantly while she glared at him from the door. Eventually she huffed and closed the door, jumping onto her bed beside him.

"What do you want?"

Alaric looked at her smugly. Her attitude didn't affect him in the slightest. He found it amusing the sass she was giving him seeing as why he was here in the first place.

"I wanted to warn you of something but you must not tell anyone else" Aurora instantly frowned in confusion at his words. Seeing her expression, he continued. "Levi has a number of men from the Knights gang surrounding the school for ye're protection. Sebastian Knight came to him, offering member of his gang for your protection in an attempt to apologise for the actions of his men the night of the dinner. He has ordered that they report back to him at the end of each day"

Aurora sat up abruptly as her jaw dropped. She clenched her fists in anger at Levi's actions. She felt slightly betrayed by her brother. She thought he was on her side. She knew as always he only had good intentions, but it annoyed her slightly that he would let them be responsible for protecting her. She knew he was probably already done a background check on each of the men but she still couldn't help but feel bothered by it. Especially how he's keeping it from her.

"That little prick, I'll fucking get that wooden spoon-" Aurora's little mission to get back at Levi was cut short. Once she stood up from her position on the bed and began making her way towards the door with determination in her step, Alaric grabbed her arm and pulled her back, causing her to land on her ass in front of him. She pouted and glared at him like a toddler, making him roll his eyes.

"You aren't gonna wan'ta do that. I heard two of the men talking in the corridors. They were on their way to meet Levi to discuss the day's events but something they said caught my attention" Alaric watched Auroras face, waiting for some kind of realisation to hit or something but instead she looked at him expectantly, waiting for the next part. He squinted his eyes at her.

"They said you were seen with a guy in a black hood twice. Once in the canteen and another outside the school" Finally, Auroas lip forms an 'o'. Soon panic crossed her face and she scrambled to her feet.

"I told Levi about him" She stated, not knowing what the big deal was. Alarix studied for any sign of a lie but remained undetected.

"I heard what you said to Levi in the kitchen, how much of that exaggeration was actually true?" Alaric questioned her as he recalled the conversation her over heard earlier when he walked past the kitchen.

"All of it" Aurora said, somewhat confidently. Alaric leaned forward and looked down at her.

"You sure? Cause I heard you got pretty comfortably with him around the side of the school. Didn't tell Levi about that, did ya?" Alaric raised a brow, looking looking at her condescendingly. Aurora bit her lip in frustration as she remembered her earlier encounter with him, how much she enjoyed it.

"Did they tell Levi?" She asked quietly, dodging the question. She now grew anxious. It was all fun and games earlier, even Axel joined in. If Levi thought she was alone with some guy like that, he wouldn't be happy. She didn't want him to stop her from seeing Sunshine. Or even kill him. That's why she couldn't help but sigh in relief when Alaric shook his head.

"No, I got to them first and threatened them to never speak a word of this hooded guy to Levi. If they have any concerns they are to come to me" Alaric told her. She nodded her head, relieved that he wouldn't find out. She didn't want to question what he had threatened them with cause she knows how heartless Alaric is when it comes to the gangs world. Alaric continued to stare at Aurora who was deep in thought. The question was at the tip of his tounge, about to bounce off.

The FoolOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora