Chapter Fourteen

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The three arrived home safely. Atlas took Aurora back to the car and shortly after Scott returned with a panicked Axel. Alfred drove them home, putting up the screen in the middle to give them some privacy once he sensed the state the young mistress was in. Aurora however, stayed silent the whole way home, Atlas hugging her body close to his, fearful of letting her go.

They were now sitting on the couch in the living room. All still in their clothes. Isaac came in and gave the three a cup of tea. Aurora looked up at him and gently took the mug from his hands. Atlas motioned his head towards the table, telling Isaac to place it down there seeing as he didn't want to let Aurora go yet.

He felt so guilty. He solely blamed himself. Although he didn't know what happened, he still knew he shouldn't have just left her there. Axel also blamed himself, he was off having the time of his life with the captain of the football team when he should have just stayed with them.

Levi sat across from them, going insane. He still doesn't know what happened so he doesn't know who to blame. Yet. He needed to take his anger out one something, someone. He rubbed his forehead and sighed, finally leaning forward with his elbows resting on his knees. He looked at Auora gently.

"Can you tell me what happened mia cara?" Levi asked softly. Aurora looked at him, debating whether or not to tell him. She really didn't want, she felt silly. She felt like she over reacted and didn't want to make this a bigger deal than it was. However, she knew she wouldn't get away with lying. Levi was a human lie detector and Aurora was usually a very good liar, but right now she knew she wouldn't have the energy to pull it off. He would get the truth out of her eventually.

"It was no big deal. I just panicked and over reacted. I met Noah Knight at the party and he just made me feel a little uncomfortable" She mumbled, looked down at the tea in her lap as she swirled it gently. She felt Atalas tense beside. Levi's eyes darkened the mention of boys name. His fists enclosed together, squeezing tightly to cause his veins to pop along his arms. He was gonna kill the prick.

"Did he touch you?" Axel asked calmly, though his insides were surging with rage. Aurora kept her head down, almost afraid to look up to see what site would greet her. Although she knew if one of them did blow, Atals was still beside her to keep the peace. Isaac also sat back and watched everyone intensely, ready to step in if needed.

"No, he didn't touch me. Not really. He just said some things that made me uneasy. I had a few drinks too so that could have been partly the reason. Besides, I handled it myself" Aurora sighed, desperately wanting to go to bed. She sipped on the hit tea as the rest took in her words. Isaac could see the men in the room growing angrier by the second. They were one word away from breaking something, and he didn't want to upset Aurora anymore than she already was. Of course, Isaac was fuming also, but he knew there was a time and place to get his anger out in the form of revenge. Outside the walls of this home and not in the presence of their baby sister.

"It's late. Aurora, you must be wrecked, let's get you up to bed, mia cara" Isaac said, standing up and making his away over to his little sister. Aurora looked up, her eyes shining with gratitude. Isaac smiled at her and took the nearly empty cup of tea from her hands, placing it on the coffee table, knowing she never drinks the drop at the bottom. Atals kissed the crown of her head before she stood up. Levi stood up also, about to say something but Isaac shot him a warning glare. Begrudgingly, he sat back down.

"Wasn't gonna say anything anyway" Levi mumbled to himself.


Aurora was gone to bed, Isaac made sure she was okay. Now, all seven men were in Levi's office. Levi explained what happened to Elijah and Alaric, now all of them surging with the same thirst for revenge.

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