Chapter Seventeen

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"Women are so complicated!"

"But you're a girl"

"I know! It's exhausting" Aurora heaved, slumping agaisnt the bookshelf in the library. Synn looked across at the girl who looked utterly fed up. It was Monday now, and he was currently sitting between the back two shelves in the school library. Unfortunately, he was found. He had a book in his lap, and was trying to read aloud to himself, though quietly. He was practicing, he didn't like having to depend on Aurora to be able to read a book. He couldn't inflate her ego that much.

"Watcha reading?" She asked, noticing the open book in his lap. Synn looked down at the book and stared for a moment, trying to remember what he just read.

"I don't know" It was then he realised it wasn't working. Aurora looked back up at his hood, noting his sudden drop in mood, not that it was ever very high.

"That's okay, just means it was boring" Aurora said, grabbing the book from his hands and tossing it to the side, throwing him a cheeky smile. Synn merely rolled his eyes. "You should divert your attention to me, I'm way more entertaining"

"I hid at the back for a reason" He muttered, eyeing the girl up and down.

"I know, so we can have a quicky, right?"Aurora winked, wiggling her shoulder suggestively. Synns eyes widened and he blushed scarlet. Aurora snickered to herself, noting his sudden silence. She moved forward and sat on her heels right in front of him.

"Don't you have better things to do than piss me the fuck off?"


Synn scoffed and began to get up when Aurora jumped into action.

"No!" She whisper yelled, jumping on top of his legs, causing him to grunt. "I'm sorry" She pouted, looking down at her fingers with guilt. Synn looked at the girl, knowing she wasn't actually sorry, she just didn't want him to leave.

"You're infuriating" Synn sighed, grabbing her head in his hands, causing her cheeks to smush together. She laughed, which sounded odd with the state of her face in the moment, but it even managed to make Synn amused. Aurora then stuck her tongue out and licked his palm, causing Synn to push her away until she rolled backward and landed awkwardly in a fit of giggles. He wiped his hand on his trousers in disgust.

"I'm going to have to ask ya'll to leave if you cannot respect the rules in this library" Auroras laughter stopped one the librarian made an appearance in front of them. The two of them look at her abruptly.

"I'm sorry Ms, I tried telling him but he just wouldn't listen. See Synn, you have to respect that other people are trying to study and read" Aurora spoke in a tone so full on apology that the librarian turned to glare at a gobsmacked Synn. He clenched his fists and ginded his teeth at the mere cheek of this girl in front of him. To top it off, Aurora shot him a discrete wink. The librarian walked off at that.

"Just when I think we could get along, you remind me of how psychotic you are" Synn gritted, clenched and unclenching his hands in his lap to gain some sort of control. Aurora was slightly surprised at his sudden change in tone, but understood that this was a problem he faced. No matter how close they got, it would probably always be like that, this easily triggered surge of anger. She couldn't fix it, she could only aid it when it did happen.

"You're certainly making your brother proud. First the party and now the library, you really do have a thing for public places. And with two different guys at that, what a whore" Noah's voice just so happened to be another trigger. She could see his body heaving opposite her. She too felt slightly nervous in the moment. She didn't feel threatened, she could handle herself, but more so uneasy.

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