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Class had just finished for the day. Aurora was walking down the corridor, heading towards her locker before going to meet her brothers out in the car park. As she neared her locker, however, she was stopped by someone calling her name.

"Aurora King?" The man called. She recognised him as being a teacher, but not one she ever had. She stopped in her tracks and nodded her head, giving him a small smile. He smiled back and stopped right in front of her.

"I was Synns English teacher. I didn't realise you were so close, I'm sorry for your loss" He said sincerely, looking at the helpless girl. Aurora couldn't say anything as a lump formed in her throat at the mention of his name. She just nodded appreciatively. "Synn submitted an assignment a few months back for me. It was an essay, on something that inspired you" As he continued, he extended a couple sheets of paper towards her. Aurora frowned din confusion and looked down at it, recognising Synns hand writing along with a big red A marked at the top. "I think it was the first time he ever submitted something on time, but it was his best work. I thought you should have it" He gave her one final smile before patting her shoulder and walking away. Aurora looked down at it again, her hands now shaking holding the sheets. She remembered all the time she spent trying to help him find inspiration for this essay, she remembered how much he hated it that she actually thought he never submitted anything.

"Aurora, are you ready?" Axel called from behind her. She folded the sheets and put them in her bag before turning around to where he was at the entrance of the school. She smiled and nodded her head, following after him.


She sat down on the bridge, by herself. She hadn't come here once since it all happened, but she felt this would be the best place to read this essay. She had it down next to her as each time she picked it up her hands would begin to tremble. She just needed to push herself to do so. She doesn't know what she was expecting to read, but just the simple fact that Synn had wrote it made her heart clench in her chest. After a few moments, and a few deep breaths, she finally gathered the courage to pick it up and start reading.

I thought inspiration was over rated. I had never been inspired by anyone or anything. I thought it was a cheesy thing people said to make themselves sound poetic or whatever. When I first received this essay, I considered not doing it. I still am. But I think I have found inspiration.

I used to go to this bridge, in between the two sides of town. I'd sit there on my own, happily. I had done it for years, and it was always the same, until one night this random girl stumbled onto my path, mumbling gibberish to herself. I thought she was crazy and just tried to ignore her, but she had other plans. She sat down beside me that night. I thought she was annoying, she pissed me off. She was just so, 'happy' I never usually had to deal with people talking to me because nobody tried, and I thought I liked it that way. Even when I eventually walked away from her that night, I thought I was glad.

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