Chapter Thirty-Two

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The doorbell rang and all seven siblings looked at eachother from all angles of the dinner table outside on their patio. They were all standing up, each doing their part to set the table for this last minute dinner arrangement. It was a beautiful evening, and the flowers were finally staring to bloom, so Isaac suggested eating outside instead.

"Aurora, get the door" Alaric ordered. Aurora gritted her teeth and gave him annoyed look, in which he returned with a pointed one of his own. She set down the napkins that she was folding and took a deep breath.

"Be polite" Levi warned, setting a bottle of one of their finest wines in the centre of the table.

"She will, don't worry" Alaric mumbled, a small smile on his face. Aurora shot him a glare before stalking out of the room. She wasn't overly enthusiastic about meeting this guy that would be her personal fucking bodyguard twenty-four-seven, but it seems she didn't have much of a choice. She supposed it did beat having twenty men following her around. She only hoped he was a decent guy, then it wouldn't be that bad. But holy fuck, if he was an asshole, she'd scream.

She made it to the door and brushed any dirt that might have been on her dress. She was wearing a black and white polka dot dress, classy, as Atlas would say. She plastered a smile on her luscious red lips before peeling the door open. Once she made eye conatct with the guy outside, her smile completely dropped.

His chocolate brown waves still sat messily on his head. Her eyes darted around his face but there was no scar in sight, they were all gone. It somehow didn't sit right with her however. He was dressed in navy slacks, light blue shirt, the sleeves rolled up and the top three buttons undone. Brown leather loafers adoring his feet also. He looked so fucking fine in that attire, like, she was ready to jump his bones, but it wasn't really him. He took the navy Ray-Bans off his eyes and familiar mesmerising green eyes stared back at her, assuring her it was indeed him by they way her heart automatically started to beat wildly.

"You must be Aurora" He said cheekily, watching her mesmerised face.

Earlier That Day

Bruise was sat in his chair in his office, typing furiously on his keyboard. Alaric was beside him, one hand resting on the back of his chair while the other rested on his desk beside his keyboard. He watched his every move.

"I got the message to him, he seems okay with" Synn said, entering Bruises office. He was exhausted. He's been trying to get this message to his boss since last night and it turned out to be a bigger fucking job than intended. He ended up having to kill off another person on the list, and wait to meet with the dealer to get his money for the kill. He then asked the guy if he could meet with the boss, but of course, the answer was a no. After much convincing, he finally managed to schedule a phone call with him at one of the old phone booths on the other side of town for today at nine o'clock in the fucking morning. He showed up and luckily, he did get to speak with the boss. He was silent while Synn explained his plan, Synn couldn't judge the situation and he grew suspicious. Once he finished however, the lad merely said "As long as he dies, do what you need to do, Reeds" and with that, he hung up.

"Great, what do you want your name to be?" Bruise asked, not looking up from the screen.

"My name?" Synn asked, confused.

"Yes, we're doing up a fake background check on you that I can hand to Levi, he won't even consider it if I don't provide every fucking minor detail about you. You're gonna need to read it first too" Alaric explained, watching Synn push the pile of clothes on the couch aside and sit down on the empty spot.

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