Chapter Sixteen

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It was Sunday now, and Aurora was tired of being stuck in the house all day. She hadn't spoken much to the guys, besides Alaric, but that wasn't her fault. She was feeling better, she thought. Truthfully, she didn't really know how to feel. She knew of wasn't her fault, the boys made sure she knew that the night it happened. She just felt off, ya know. So, today she decided to go ask Will and Scott to take her shopping. If shopping couldn't make her happy, nothing could.

She skipped down the stairs, her pretty floral pink dress brushing against her bronzed legs. She didn't bother going in to the kitchen where she knew all the lads would be, and instead headed straight towards the lounging area. She walked in, and surely enough both men were seated on each of the couches, Will reading the newspaper and Scott scrolling on his phone.

"My two favourite people" Aurora jeered as she entered the room. Both men looked up and were surprised to see the young girl standing before them with a grin scratched across her face. They knew she had been distancing herself from everyone for the majority of the weekend, so we're shocked to see such a sudden change in her attitude. Both men put down whatever they were holding holding give Aurora their full attention.

"I highly doubt that" Will teased, causing Aurora to wave him off.

"I want to go to the 'mall', can ye bring me?" She asked, giving them a pearly smile. They two looked at eachother and couldn't help but smile back.

"Of course, let us just run it by Mr. King and-"

"Okay, let me re-phrase that. Let's go to the mall, without disturbing Levi. He can just be so busy, surely you wouldn't want to disturb him" Aurora explained dramatically. Both men knew what she was at, she knew they knew what she was at. She didn't care for it however. Will shot Scott a silent look before her turned back to Aurora and nodded. She squealed at let them know she would be in the car before running out if the room.

"You go after her, I'm gonna let Mr. King know" Will said to Scott. He nodded and followed after the wild child. Will made his way to the kitchen where surely enough all of the King brothers were. Levi stood up straight once Will entered the room.

"Sorry to disturb, but Ms. King has asked we take her to the mall but requested it be kept between her self, Scott and I" Will explained, an amused smile on his face. Levi let out a breathy laugh and shook his head.

"I suppose I can't say no. Keep me updated, and make sure she enjoys herself" Levi kindly asked, even though he knew with Will and Scott that went without saying. Will nodded with a reassuring smile and left the room.



"Yes Ms. King"

"Can you grab me this in pink? The blue washes me out" Aurora asked sweetly as she threw a top over door of the changing stall. Will turned scarlet for the millionth time during this shopping event and grabbed the top and went to try and find the same one in blue somewhere in this shop. Many people looked at him funny, seeing as he was a fourty-six year old man in a suit taking orders from a teenage girl. Scott was too busy suffocating under the pile of bags that he promised Aurora he would watch as she tried on more clothes.

A few minutes later, Aurora got bored and walked outbof the stall in the pink dress she put on this morning.

"I'm actually getting quite hungry, can we go find somewhere to eat?"Aurora asked. Scott nodded eagerly and stood up with all they bags. Then, Will came back with the same dress in four different colours, including pink. Aurora looked at him sheepishly, causing his shoulder to drop in exhaustion.

"I decided it was the neckline that was the problem"


They were on there way home at this stage. Aurora was sitting peacefully in the back, somewhere among the piles of bags as she stared out the window, unable to looked down at her phone in her lap. They stopped at a red light, a Aurora took the time to look outside. She was a warm glow coming from a small cafe that looked incredibly welcoming. She had decided not to eat at the mall cause none of the restaurants there took her fancy. This little place did however.

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