Chapter Four

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It was now Monday, and the triplets were starting school, at last. Aurora got ready in her bedroom, doing her usual routine.

She walked down the stairs in a short baby pink summer dress. Her mother's pearls hung perfectly around her neck, bouncing slightly with the steps she took. She had a white cardigan tied around her shoulders for extra comfort, and in case she got cold. By looking at her cute and girly style, one wouldn't believe half of the stuff that comes out of the young, stubborn girls mouth.

Upon her entrance in the kitchen, Levi turned to look at her. His eyes scanned her outfit silently, making sure she wouldn't be put in a position like the other night. She hopped up onto the island beside Elijah and grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Who's driving us?" She asked before she took a crunchy bite from the ruby apple. None of the triplets could drive yet. Back in Ireland, you can't take your theory test until you turn seventeen, which now they are and they have that done, however they never got time to complete their twelve lessons before they moved. Isaac, who was at the counter making tea, turned to answer her, however, he never got the chance as a new voice entered the room

"I shall be escorting you and your brothers, Ms. King" Alfred O'Leary answered as he stepped into the room. He was an older man, in his early sixties and had been working for the King's for as long as he could remember. His salt and pepper hair was combed neatly. A bright smile adorned his chocolate skin as he looked at the youngest King in front of him. He was dressed in his usual attire, a black suit with a crisp white shirt beneath. Peaking from the pocket of his suit jacket was a beautiful handkerchief, small blood red roses imprinted onto the fabric. He was never seen wearing the same handkerchief twice. It was a habit he had started when Aurora was a child. She, and the other two delinquents, were always in a mess. Whether it be mud, tears, blood, they always found themselves in innocent troubles. Many a time, Alfred would be among the house while it happened and using the handkerchief in his pocket, he would clean them up. As it became a regular occurrence, he switched up his handkerchief everyday as a novelty for the kids who got distracted by the characters or flowers on the fabric and their worries were forgotten. The habit never seemed to fade.

"Mr. O'Leary, well if it isn't my pleasure" Aurora beamed, teasing his well spoken accent. The sight of the older man who became a great companion over the years had brightened her morning instantly. She hadn't seen him in a while, his wife passed before ethey moved here so Levi had told him to take as much time as he needed after the funeral. His warm and comforting eyes hadn't faded however and seemed to distract her from the day she had ahead of her.

"The pleasure is all mine, my dear" He grinned, giving her a slight nod of the head. "Now, we best get going. You may need time to find the office and your classes" He reasoned. He nodded towards the rest of the boys in the kitchen before turning to leave the room. Aurora hopped down to follow him, but once she reached the door, Levi called her name.

"Be careful. Text me if you need anything" He said genuinely. Aurora nodded and saluted him mockingly before walking out the door. Levi ran a hand down his face and sighed. He wished she wasn't so unpredictable.

"She'll be fine, Levi. It's Aurora" Isaac consoled, seeing the look of distress on his older brothers face. Levi smiled at him and nodded his head, deep down knowing how true those words were.


"How the fuck are we supposed to find our lockers in this jungle Jim?" Axel exasperated. The three had gathered their schedules and locker numbers from the principal. They were now standing in the middle of the halls, trying to make sense of the map that was in Aurora's hands as the other two peered over her shoulder from either side. So caught up in their own confusion, they were oblivious to the stares and gawks that they received from the students that swarmed the halls.

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