Chapter Nineteen

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Aurora looked over her shoulder once she heard the door open. She thought it would be Alaric looking for her, and she was waiting g to hear his pissed off voice scolding her. She wasn't met with Alaric however.

William Westwood walked in, along with a few men Aurora wasnt familiar with. Aurora then turned around fully, giving the men her full attention, cautious. Synn too watched carefully from behind the shelf.

"Aurora King, how lovely to see you again" William spoke stoically. Aurora didn't say anything, still scanning the rest of the men with scrutianising eyes.

"Ah, these are just some friends of mine" He spoke solemnly, almost mocking her uneasiness. Aurora turned back to look at him. He smiled.

"I brought them here on a special mission. You see, your brother thought it would be a clever idea to remove all connections he has with us as soon as he found out about the target on a few of our mens back" William began to explain carefully as he slowly approached a tentive Aurora.

Synn moved closer to the bookshelf. He recognised that man. William Westwood. It was his mugshot mostly in which he recognised. The mug shot he had been given as his next target. He couldn't see Auroras face, but he could tell by her body language that she was nervous. He looked down at Noah's unconscious body, then to his bloody knife. He was slowly beginning to understand the person Alaric was. The person he made a deal with. The person Aurora was.

"We didn't really think that was fair. We provided protection to you, and as soon as we needed your protection from that monster. It was too much" William was now spitting words at her, still getting closer. Aurora held her breath. She truly didn't know what to do. She suddenly wishes she never ran away from Alaric. William stopped right in front of her, and suddenly lifted his hand so he held a sparkling blade right in front of her eyes.

"I think it's only fair we show Levi what it's like to loose a member the same way we lost ours" He smiled down at her sinisterly. Aurora gulped as he eyes began to cloud with unshed tears. She really didn't want to die. She shook her head, pursing her lips and tears began to fall. William frowned and and tilted her head up with the end of the knife.

"Dont worry. It will only hurt alot" He ran the tip of the blade along her cheekbone swiftly. Aurora flinched at the sting, suddenly feeling the thick crimson liquid slide down her cheek. William smiled and stood back slightly. He pulled his arm away, ready to strike. Aurora watched he action with wide eyes then shut them tightly, waiting for the pain. But it never came.

She opened her eyes and gasped as William stood in front of her, blood gushing from his sliced neck as he gagged and choked, staring right at her. Aurora brought her hands up to her mouth at the sight, suddenly feeling nauseous. His limp body then fell to the ground and left standing in his place was a giant figure with a black skii mask clouding his identity. Her mouth opened and closed, but no words came out as she stared at the emerald green eyes in complete shock. Before she could say anything, he turned around.

Synn stared at the three men that followed William into the room. They knew who he was, simply by the silver bade that reflected the light from the fire as he grabbed its gold, detailed handle. Such a beautiful piece of art, yet used for something so bad.

One of the men turned around and made a run for the door. He didn't get very far before a knife was lodged into the back of his head. The other two men watched in horror as they knew they would meet a similar fate. And they did. Synn approached one of them while he was still turned and staring at his friends body. He swiftly grabbed his head and snapped his head, letting his body fall to the floor. He pulled the knife from the other fellas head and turned quickly, throwing it straight between the third mans eyes. He too fell to the pile of bodies at his feet.

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