Chapter Twenty-One

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Aurora sat in her lesson on thursday, bored out of her mind. She forgot what class she was in, she only knew Atlas and Axel didnt have it with her. She did however, have it with Sunshine, but he didn't bother to show up. She never usually payed attention in this class anyway, always finding too much fun when annoying Synn. Maybe that's why she didnt know what the class was.

"Ms King" Aurora looked up at the old man that was her teacher. He always wore the same crisp white shirt and black slacks, but a different tie every day. His habit to wear a different one reminded her of Alfred's ritual to have a different handkerchief every day. "Can you tell me at least one thing I have said throughout this whole lesson?" He asked tiredly. He was fond of the young girl. She was the only one that said hello and goodbye to him at the start and end of each lesson. At his age, he appreciated the small things like that, but my god, did she make it difficult to not give out to her every class. He knew she never payed attention, but seeing her interact with Synn Reeds was such a rare sight, he never really stopped it.

"I would sir, but I'm not very good at memorizing math equations" Aurora quickly responded with a smile. The teacher, Mr. Goodings, shook his head at the girl. The class responded in a fit of chuckles, making Aurora confused.

"This is British Literature, Ms. King" He corrected. Auroras jaw slacked.

"Well duh, no wonder I'm not paying attention. I'm Irish, and still pretty salty about the whole taking over our country thing" She sassed with a raised eyebrow. She turned and looked at the person to her left, who was already staring at her with a smile, much like the rest of the class. Aurora shook her head and rolled her eyes, quietly whispering 'I couldn't care less', before turning back around to Mr. Goodings with an innocent grin. He looked at the girl with a wrinkled smile, seeing her gesture very obviously. He could do nothing more than shake his head and continue with the lesson, with hope that she miraculously won't fail the next assignment.

The bell rang and Aurora quickly gathered her stuff and raced out of the classroom, though not before thanking and saying goodbye to Mr. Goodings.

She headed towards the library, where she hoped Synn would be. She used to find him out behind the school but lately he has been sneaking to the library instead. He gave up reading books without her help, so now he looks at the pictures.

Surely enough he was there, in behind one of the bookshelves, trying to find another easy graphical book. While doing so, he suddenly felt a light punch to the arm. He scowled and looked down, only to see Aurora beaming up at him with a wide, proud grin.

"That felt like a good one" She said with an extreme amount of aggressive excitement. Synn raised a brow then turned back to look at the spines of the books.

"Yeah, definitely gonna leave a bruise" He said monotonously. Aurora could hear the sarcasm in his voice but still chose to ignore it. Instead she kissed her non existent bicep proudly.

"Well, that was for leaving me in British literature. Did you even know we took that class?" Aurora asked in amazement. Synn hummed in response, busying himself in the books along the shelves. Aurora leaned her back against the shelf right beside him.

"I'm surprised Mr. Goodings hasn't called home, or sent me to the principals office" She said thoughtfully, playing with the pearls around her neck.

"You're lucky your pretty" Synn responded. Let's be real, it was clear this girl got away with most things because she was simply beautiful. All she had to do was drop a pretty smile and stare at you with her mixed eyes and suddenly she could do no wrong.

"I know" She shrugged, giggling to herself. It was a quick response to mask the blush creeping onto her skin and the flutters she felt in her tummy. Synn shook his head, oblivious to the young girls feelings.

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