Chapter Forty-Two

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It was still the same night. Aurora was sitting up on her bed, knees pulled into her chest and head buried between them. Alaric left her alone to give her time to think. He told her everything. Everything he knew about Synn. He figured there was no point in lying to her at this stage, and in his own opinion nothing Synn had done compared to what Levi was accusing him of, or what he was being set up with. He knew it wasn't Synns intention to actually kill them. He had many opportunities to do so and he never once acted on it. Not only that, but he protected Aurora with his life. He felt he owed it to him to give Aurora the truth before Levi can tell her his full story and let him paint a false image of Synn.

Aurora didn't know what to think. She felt like she should be angry at him for lying, but she wasn't. She couldn't bring herself to be angry at him. She felt like this was all her fault. She should have left him be and then he wouldn't have been dragged into this. Everytime she closed her eyes she could see his bloody battered face, with his deep emerald green eyes looking at her apologetically. It killed her. Just earlier that day she told him she didn't want someone to take her away from him. She never thought he would be the one to be taken away from her.

Alaric snuck out after he left Auroras room. Levi was still in his office, drinking away his anger and torment, so Alaric knew this would be one of his only chances to do this as come tomorrow, he would be back on high alert. He needed to talk to Synn to find out what had happened. So he went to the place where they originally took Sebastian Knight.

It was a building on the good side of town. The place would be less likely to be investigated or broken into rather on the bad side of town, where anybody could take a trip in for a quick drug teal or something. The building however was still abandoned, until Levi bought the property back when they first moved. It used to be a boxing club, until it tragically went in fire about ten years ago. Too much damage was done so the owners never tried to renovate it again, but with its empty, vast space, it made the perfect little torture chamber for the Kings.

When Alaric arrived, it looked like nobody was here. None of the cars were there so to anyone passing by, it still looked abandoned. Alaric knew better however. He made his way around the back to the cold metal emergency exit doors. He used them open and instantly he heard the clocking of guns. Alaric rolled his eyes and flicked one of the light switched by the wall. Levi ensured they got electricity back then also, for light of course, and for electrocution methods as witnessed by Sebastian Knight. As soon as light flooded the room, he was faced with about five of Crudes men all pointing their guns at him in the corridor. He raised his hands mockingly and walked right past them as they quickly dropped their weapons in fear.

"Mr. King said he wouldn't be around until tomorrow" One of them spoke up, confused.

"Mr. King won't be around until tomorrow, but I want to see the son of a bitch now" Alaric deadpanned as he continued walking. None of them said a word after that, not wanting to get in his way. He mad ehis way down the corridor. Doors lines the walls, leading to different changing rooms and storage rooms, but the one that stood out to him was guarded by two more of Crudes men. They watched him approach them, eyeing eachother cautiously. Alaric stopped in front of them and stared.

"Is there a secret password or something?" He asked, cocking a testing brow. They looked at eachother before quickly standing back and letting him through. Alaric rolled his eyes and opened the door, quickly slamming it shut behind him. He turned around and halted. The scene looked all to familiar to the night they came here with Sebastian Knight, except it was Synn standing the his arms hung above him, head falling in between his shoulders. Synn heard the door but didn't bother lifting hisbhead to see who had entered, presuming it was just another of the guards coming in to check he was still here and hadn't somehow managed to escape.

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