Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Honey I'm home!" Aurora yelled as she entered her home, Synn following after her and shutting the door behind him. Levi came down the stairs with a relieved smile when he seen her standing there in one piece and a grin on her face. He grew confused however, when neither Axel or Atlas were beside her.

"Where are the two lads?" He asked. Aurora grimaced slightly, forgetting she was gonna have to come up with some sort of a lie.

"Axel wanted to try put for the football team, but didn't want to do it alone so he made Atlas try out with him. They called Beau to collect me instead and Alfred is going to wait for them" She lied sweetly, looking up at him as he came to the bottom of the stairs. He scrutinised her expression, then looked towards Synn who was staring down at her blankly. Synn knew she was lying for the sake of her brothers. He felt like she might get caught out though, so instead he looked up and caught Levis stare.

"Can I speak to you for a moment Mr. King?" He asked, not trace of wmotion in his tone. Aurora looked up at Synn as he looked at Levi. Levi was slightly taken back and grew slightly nervous at what he might hear, but nodded nevertheless.

"Aurora, Isaacs in the kitchen, he's been waiting for ye to come home to try out one of his new recipes" Levi said. Aurora didn't waste a second thought and mad ever way towards the kitchen happily. Levi rolled his eyes with a smile before motioning with his head for Synn to follow him.

"Is everything okay? And please, do call me Levi" He asked as Synn walked along side him. They made their way into the living room.

"Everything is fine, I just have a concern I wanted to inform you about. Jace Matthews approached Aurora after school. I watched for a moment before I stepped in and even though he didn't seem a threat and almost warned her to be careful, I wouldn't trust a guy who works for the Knights, especially giving your history with them" Synn explained. He didn't like Jace, and yes, he did not step out of line, but he still didn't trust his motive. So, even if it was nothing, he still wanted to let Levi know. And Levi appreciated it.

"Thank you. I shall see to it" Levi said, a slightly unnerving tone to his voice. He wasn't happy with the news, though was pleased that he was informed about it. Synn didn't really fancy staying with Levi for much longer, so he simply nodded his head and left for the kitchen to find Aurora. As he entered, Aurora was sitting up on the counter beside Isaac who stood beside her. She had a one half of a scone in her hand, cherry scones at that, with melted butter, strawberry jam and a dollop of fresh cream on top. Auroras eyes met Synns as he entered and her face lit up.

"Beau, here try this!" She said enthusiasticly, holding up the second half of the scone. Isaac turned around and looked at Beau with a pleasant smile. He loved when people tried his food, but had a feeling Beau wouldn't be his most enthusiastic taster.

"I'm okay" Synn muttered, shaking his head.

"Eat it" Aurora deadpanned, leaving no room for argument. Synn wanted to roll his eyes but knew he couldn't since Isaac was also looking at him. Instead he silently walked over and stood in front of her, taking the scone with its toppings from her hand. He bit into it and admittedly, it was divine. He nodded his head and looked towards Isaac

"It's good" He said seriously, proceeding to take another bit. Isacc grinned, as did Aurora.

"I'm glad you like it. Help yourself, I've made plently" Isaac said genuinely. Synn nodded his head in thanks. Aurora sat happily on the counter, swinging her legs back and forth as she ate away. Levi then entered the kitchen. Synn had his back to him as he stood in front of Aurora, so Isaac was the only one that seen him.

"Isaac, can you get Alaric and meet me in my office?" Levi asked seriously. Isaac straightened up at his tone and Synn aslo turned around slightly to look at Levi for a moment. Isaac glanced at Synn before nodding. Levi left the room as Isaac took off his apron and put it down on the counter. Aurora thanked him as he left, too distracted by her scone.

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