Chapter Ten

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"I don't want any of you going out late at night" Levi King stated as he entered the dining room. All the siblings were seated around the grand dining table, eating breakfast Isaac previously cooked, him now pouring tea and coffee for everyone. They all looked at Levi, who demanded attention the second he entered in the room until the moment he sat down at the head of the table.

"Why not?" Elijah asked, clearly displeased as he stared at Levi with a ridiculed expression. His concern revolving around his late night booty calls. Levi glanced up from his coffee to thank Isaac before looking back at Elijah.

"There is a murderer in town. One we over looked during our research. He targeted one of Knights gang members last night and by the looks of it, won't be stopping any time soon" He explained. This got the attention of all the siblings. Aurora, however, continued eating, avoiding any eye contact with Levi in case he could spot a tell, figuring out that she had been out last night. He would no doubt go ape shit on her.

"Well, we're gonna catch him, aren't we?" Axel clarified, confused by Levis casual manor. All of them were. Usually he would have them all in his office figuring out a plan and doing research at this point, instead he was enjoying a nice cup of coffee and a fry up.



They all stared at their older brother, gobsmacked.

"What do you mean, no?" Atlas questioned.

"I mean no, do you wanna hear it in Spanish? Ñõ" Levi replied sarcastically. He looked up and sighed seeing their shocked faces. "This murderer isn't just killing people for fun. He's killing people that deserve it" Levi explained. He continued to tell them about his conversation with Sebastian last night and what Matthew Smith had done, then how he had researched more on these killings, unable to sleep last night, and found that all of these people murdered were truly disgusting people who deserved no less.

"Okay, so if these are the type of people this killer is after, did the thought ever occur to you that we could be next?!" Axel exclaimed, looking at Levibwith wide eyes. The thought suddenly dank into all their minds. It was no secret that they weren't necessarily good people. They had robbed people, murdered men, tore apart families, conned fools and many other things. Levi shook his head however.

"No, I don't think we will be targeted. We may not be spending our after life with the big man up there but we certainly do not meet the criteria to be a victim of this man's killings. These are rapists, pedophiles, psychopaths. This man obviously has a motive, but that's not to say if one of you were out late and witnessed it, that he wouldn't kill you right then and there" Levi explained. He truly had thought all this through. He wouldn't slip up and make a stupid mistake like this again.

"So, did Sebastian know about this all along and not tell you?"Isaac questioned as he finally sat down beside Alaric. Levi stopped chewing and looked at him, glancing briefly at Aurora.

"Yes" He muttered. He looked down as he placed his knife and fork to rest on his plate. He interlocked his hands and looked upbwith an intense stare, glancing at them all as he spoke. "It's actually Matthew Smith wh was murdered last night. Turns out he was a pedophile" He said. The whole room went silent. Pure rage began to surge through the Kings brothers as they thought about that pedophiles gaze in their little sister, as he sat and dined with them just nights ago.

"Well, atleast I was the last minor he copped a look at. Rather me than a child. Ooh! Do ya think the killer chopped off his dick too? That would be very much justifiable. Maybe with a bit of look Noah will be next" Aurora blurted, unable to hold it in any longer. Atlas swatted her hand in a scolding manor beside her, strongly disliking her dismissive response to the whole thing, just like the rest of them.

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