Chapter Thirty-Four

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"You cheeky little fucker" Aurora scowled, pointing a finger at Synn as she entered her room. Synn was laying down flat on her bed, eyes closed and arms folded behind his head. He opened one eye to see Aurora coming towards him. She jumped on the bed beside him, sitting on her knees.

"What the hell are you doing? Alaric was in on this, wasn't he? Why aren't you wearing your hood? Are you okay? Where did you get those pants?" Aurora went on and on with an endless amount of questions that had been running through her head ever since she opened the door to see him standing there. Synn rolled his eyes and looked at her.

"Shut up" He said flatly. Aurora gasped and put a hand on her chest.

"Careful what you say, I can get my brother to fire you now" She said cheekily.

"Good, I was already thinking about quitting" Synn replied, closing his eyes once again. Aurora stuck her tounge out at him and went to get off the bed but Synn grabbed her hand, his eyes still shut.

"Sit down" He ordered. Aurora sat down again pretty quickly. She looked down at him quietly. Synn could practically feel her stare and as he opened one eye, it only confirmed it. Eventually he sighed, sitting up and leaning against the headboard.

"One question at a time" He said, a slight warning in his tone. Aurora squealed and adjusted herself, beginning to ask all the questions she wanted answered, and Synn replied to all of them truthfully, mainly. Eventually, her questions died down to a minimum. She was fiddling with Synns hand and his rings while she blurted out questions. Synn watched her intently as he gave short answers.

"How'd you get the makeup on?" She asked. Synn grimaced, remembering the struggles as the two of them sat in Bruises office. Synn was in his office chair, using the camera on the computer as a mirror. Bruise gave him a paint brush he found in one of the drawers in his office and told him to try put it on with that. He did try.. he just failed very badly. Eventually Synn got annoyed and fucked the brush across the room and ended up using his hands. It worked...kinda.

"Next question" Synn grumbled, not wanting to explain the embarrassment that he just relived in his head. Aurora snickered, beginning to imagine how awful it must have been.

"Are you mad at me?" Synn asked suddenly. Aurora looked up at him, into his eyes that she loved so much. She frowned in confusion shook her head.

"Why would I be mad at you?"

"For getting involved in this part of your life" Synn said simply. Auroras eyes darted around his face. Even without the hood, she could rarely make out what he was feeling or thinking. She would get better at it though. She thought about his worry though. Did she want him involved in this part of her life? It was tricky. A part of her felt relieved that he was as now she didn't have to hide him and she could now simply spend as much time with him as possible. The other part of her felt selfish, like she was putting him in danger.

"Why did you want to get involved in this part of my life? It's a huge risk because-" Aurora began but Synn cut her off.

"I know the risk, Levi warned me before I left" He said, causing Aurora to nod her head slowly. "Honestly, I figured you weren't gonna stop annoying me any time soon so I might as well be getting paid for it." Synn continued with an unbothered tone. A smile creeped onto Auroras face until it resulted in a fit of giggles. Synn watched as her face lit up. Eyes shone with amusement, plump lips stretched wide to show her pearly teeth and unruly curls falling over her face. Simply perfect.

"You're so difficult to offend" He muttered unhappily. She always took everything he said so lightly. It annoyed him how he could rarely rise her up. She usually just laughed at him or had a cheeky reply ready. Synn stood up and got off the bed. Aurora frowned and watched him.

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