Chapter Fifteen

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It was Saturday now, Saturday evening. Aurora had been in the library all day. She hadn't budged from there. None of the boys bothered her either, complying with Levi's orders to get the information about this killer. She was indulged in her own little word, reading book after book, but none of them seemed to fill her with that magical feeling she always felt.

"Busy?" Startled, Aurora looked up form her book to see Alaric leaning agaisnt the doorframe of the library. She closed the book she was reading and shook her head. Alaric stood up straight, he peaked out through the door before shutting it gently, making Aurora slightly confused. He made his way towards her and sat down on the small little table in front of her. His elbows resting on his knees, he leaned forward and stared at her. He looked serious, well he always looked serious, but this was a stern serious rather than a bored serious. Aurora didn't like it.

"Last night had me thinking, I don't know if you should be seeing that hoodie guy anymore" Alaric said, staring directly into her eyes. Auroras heart sank to her stomach at the thought of not being able to see Sunshine again. She didn't get to see him last night and she already felt deprived of his company.

"Why" She said her voice barely a whisper. Alaric sighed. He truly didn't like seeing her like this, but he needed to get this out of her, he has to prove it to himself.

"Aurora, we didn't do our proper research before on the people in this town and look what happened. This guy that you're talking to, you don't even know what he looks like and none of the other guys know about him. It's too risky" He feigned distress as he clasped his hands together. Aurora shook her head frantically. She placed the book down beside her and sat up on her knees.

"I know this guy, I swear. And I trust him, more than anyone. Please Alaric, he's the one thing I have" She pleaded. Alaric looked at her, satisfied with her desperate tone but didn't show it.

"Aurora, you don't even know where he lives, or where he may even hang out-" He bagn but was cut of my Aurora.

"Of course I do, he hangs out at a bar called Dunes. It's very friendly and everything. He's eighteen so he's legal to drink" She said frantically, remembering the bar that Synn most definitely did not want her visiting but she just needed an answer to give Alaric to get him to trust her, and Synn.

Alaric on the other hand was very pleased that it was that easy to get the information he wanted. "The legal age over here us twenty one" He deadpanned. Aurora grimaced before she scowled.

"What do you care about a drinking age anyway, it's not like you didn't have your first drink at ten" She snapped, rolling her eyes at his hypocracy. Alraic leaned back and raised a brow.

"Yeah, and look how I turned out" He said dubiously. Aurora looked him up and down, then grimaced, causing Alaric to roll his eyes.

"Look, we'll see how this goes but I meant it when I said if this Sunshjne guy steps out of line, I'm telling Levi" Alaric told her, standing up from his position. He began walking away once he seen Aurora waving her hand at him in dismissal, even though deep down she was incredibly relieved.

Alaric was pleased leaving the room, feeling slightly guilty for putting her in a false state of panic but knew he had to to put his questions at rest.


The second Alaric set foot in the pub later that night, he was hit with the smell of sweat and booze. He grimaced, eyeing the room and the people in it. He pulled the hood over his head, not enough to where it covered his entire face, but merely enough so that if someone looked his way, they wouldn't recognise him as a King. He didn't know who he'd run into in a place like this but also wasn't gonna take any chances.

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