《Chapter 16.1》Whats Going On?

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Rachel POV*

I just can't stand him, ever since they first met he hasn't left him alone for a single moment. Who does he think he is, taking my best friend from me.

I woke up early that day like always, and quickly grab all my school stuff and make my way over to across the street, to his house.

As soon as I wanted to ring the bell, the door opens "oh, Hey Rachel"

As the door opened I expected Adam to open, but I was met by his mother. "Oh, Hi... I-is Adam not here?" I ask confused.

"Oh I'm sorry but he already left.." she said, "he did?" I ask confused. Why would he leave without me?

"Thanks, guess ill go alone then" I smiled and waved goodbye and made my way to the bus stop, still not sure why he left, isn't it a bit too early to go to school.

I walked into school, feeling a bit irritated because he didn't tell me he left. It got worse when I saw him walking towards the lockers, again with that same guy. I follow them to their seat and take a seat next to him.

"Hello!" I say loudly as I park myself next to him. "Whoa! Where did you come from" Adam asked surprised?

"What? I can't sit here?" I ask. "I didn't say that... you just surprised me, that's all"

I smile as I turn myself to face Nathan, sitting in front of us. "You're here too I see"

"Yeah.." he answered looking confused. Suddenly the bell rang, as I saw my chance and took Adam with me. "Wait what are you?" He asked confused. "We need to talk".

We sat down in our assigned seats right before class started. "Did you really need to take me with you like that earlier" he complained.

"Why did you leave without me," I ask disappointed, "I thought we always went to school together."

"Well, yeah... I uh- I forgot." He shrugged. "You...forgot" It was obviously an excuse, but I let it go "well fine, just- don't forget next time" He nodded and class started.

After what felt like forever, the bell finally rang and it was time for food.

"Hey, do you still have access to that classroom," I ask, hoping we could eat our lunch there.

"Hm? Yeah, I do?" He says, not sure what I meant. "Well let's go!" I get up excitedly and we make our way over to the room.

As soon as we go in, I realize the tables we're moved since the last time I was here. Don't tell me-

"Hey, Adam?" He looked back "did you go in here with someone?" I ask. "Yeah,.. why?" As soon as I saw his face it was obvious who it was. "It just looks different.." I sigh as I go in to take a seat at the table.

After lunch, we both make our way over to the classroom again, as we get to the hallway, I notice Nathan behind us, coming this way. I quickly pull Adam with me, to get there faster.
I look back to see Nathan looking at me confused.

He's being to close to him lately.
And I don't like it. Just what is it he's trying to do.


"You go on ahead, I forgot something in my locker," Adam said as the bell rang. "Oh.. okay" he turned around and made his way back inside.

He said to go ahead, so I started walking towards the cantine to claim our usual table.

But after about 10 minutes of waiting, it got a little suspicious. Why is he not back yet, he only had to go get something back.

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