《Chapter 21 》Telling The Truth

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Everyone was silently staring at us. I can't believe I just did that, I look at Jacob, and he starts laughing "haha, yes, thank you" he gets up and walks over to his bed.

I sigh and put my face on Adam's shoulder "Uhm...what are you doing?" Ein asks, still confused by what just happened, at this point, Adam was blushing hard, and I just sat there.

I let go, and lay back down on my bed "my turn?" It gets quiet and I continue "Emily, truth or dare?" I ask, with my hand on my eyes. She stays quiet for a second, but answers "..truth"

I let out another sigh "what did Tyler tell you at the cafe that one time"

now all the confused looks were focused on Emily, "Tyler?" "Cafe?" Everyone just looked at her, I looked up at Adam, who was visibly uncomfortable at this point.

I reach in and grab his hand, he seemed to calm down just a tiny bit. I look back over at Emily and wait for her answer.

"He..told me.. he told me something about you two" so I was right "he promised." I say to myself, I felt betrayed, but I didn't hear the whole story yet "what exactly did he say?" I ask, looked back up and the ceiling, here it comes.

"Something...about a relationship." She answers, while looking away "w-what?" Adam asks surprised, "I thought he promised, not to tell anyone"

Emily looks up just a bit "I don't think he did it in purpose" it gets quiet for a second, but then it got to much "wait, what is going on here...I'm so confused right now" Ein joins in looking at all three of us "we., we're dating" Adam quietly answers

"what?" He looks at him "who?" I rase my hand slightly, and he managed to see the connection "when did that happen?" He asks surprised "about 3 weeks ago, maybe" I answer as I sit up again, we'll, at least they all look like they don't have a problem with it.

Suddenly Daniel joins the conversation too "finally" he sits down next to me "What?" He wraps his arm around my shoulder, I look at him confused

"what did you expect me to do?" I look at him and he smiles "you don't know, I never really thought about it, maybe I thought you wouldn't accept it"

"Well, you're my friend, I'll accept you no matter what" everyone looks at Daniel, I look around and they all smile. Adam let's out a sigh "I knew we were overthinking this" I laugh and give him a playful push.


Not soon after they all go back to their own room, the lights go out and I finally lets myself calm down. We did it, we told them... I guess I can kind of thank Jacob for this, if he wasn't here, I'm not sure I would've been brave enough.
But I shouldn't think about it any longer, right now I should rest. I hope my foot feels better tomorrow morning


I wake up, and see that everyone has already left. I throw my blankets of of me and hang my feet of the bed, I get ready to stand up but I get interrupted by a sudden voice

"Yeah, don't do that, it's not gonna be pretty" I look up and see Jacob standing in the doorway

"and why is that?" I ask as I drop back down "it's going to hurt" he walks in and sits on his bed "How do you know?" I ask confused "because you had a pretty bad fall yesterday"

"you weren't even there. I get ready to stand up again

"Well, don't complain" i try to stand up, but as soon as I put my weight on my ankle, I fall back down, I miss my bed and fall to the ground. I hear Jacob let out a laugh "told you"

I lift my head and stare at him irritated "shut up" I lay back down, and just stay like that for a while.

I can hear some noises over at Jacobs side of the room, but I was to lazy to look up. "So? Are you just going to stay like that" I hear as he starts walking closer

"Yeah, it's kind of comfortable like this" he looks down confused "you can't get up, can you" i pout and look away "I can" "then do it" I grab the side of the bed and try to lift myself of the ground, I get as far as sitting, and I give up "do you need help"

I look away "yeah.." he chuckles and holds out his hand, I grab it and he lifts me up of the ground.
I stand up, but instead of staying up, I fall back down, but this time I didn't feel the ground.

I look up "I thought you were going to help me!" As soon as Jacob pulled me up, he lost his balance, and fell down himself "I didn't think you'd be this light" he says, pushing me away

"you could've just used a little less strength" he tries to push me off, but I couldn't move my foot, the pain just got worse with every movement "hey, stop, you're hurting me" he stops pushing, and I balance my weight on to my arms, that way he could move away himself.

"Guys, I don't think this is something you should be doing" I suddenly look towards the door and I see Rachel standing there, smiling

"I-it's not what you think" Jacob stutters, as he quickly moves from underneath me. I drop myself back on the ground and turn around to face the ceiling "are you okay?" I see Rachel's face appear above me, I shake my head.

Right after that the others walk back in "what are you doing?" Emily asks as she sat down next to me "oh, I just thought the floor looked comfortable" I say sarcastically "and? Is it?" She replies "actually, it kind of is" she laughed and I got help getting up.

I sit down on my bed and let out a sigh, before dropping back down "this sucks" Emily takes a seat beside me "it does, now you can't join any more activities" She's right, but I didn't really want to do much anyway "what are you going to do?" She asked, looking at me "I guess I'll just stay here, there's nothing I can do, right?"


I spent the rest of the day by myself, in our room. Lucky for me the day went by quicker than I expected, when we all got ready to go home, the teachers and my friends helped me get to the train, I got a seat so I could let my legs rest in the seat in front of me, normally that wouldn't be allowed but they made an exception for me.

We got back after about an hour, and when I got out, my parents were already waiting for me

"What did you do?!" My mom asks as soon as she saw me walking funny "I tripped" she ran up to me and helped me to the car. I just rested more, luckily it was the weekend.

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