《Chapter 32》Distactions

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"Why did you keep this a secret from us?" Emily said as she ran inside the room "I just forgot about it , I guess" Adam answered as he waited at the door.

Everyone walked in and took a seat around the previously formed table of desks. "Maybe because he didn't want you to know" I said as I lazily followed them

"Why wouldn't he want us to know?" Ein asks as he grabbed his lunch "because it's a secret" I add taking a seat next to him. "What's so secret about this!" Daniel asks confused, I shrug and sink down in my seat.

"It's probably their little private space" Emily jokes as she took a seat across from me. "Oh shut up" I said back slightly smiling. "Hey, I don't judge". I give her a light kick under the table, making her look even more amused.

Actually, she was kind of right. I guess I wanted to keep it a secret.

Originally it was supposed to be our secret. It's not like I didn't want to spend time with everyone, it's just.. I wanted some place to be..alone.

As everyone went back to their lunch, and talked about pretty much everything, I couldn't help but stare at Adam.

I've been really happy while being around him. At first it was kind of awkward, but now it's really comforting.

At the start of the year is never thought I would fall for someone so early. But I really, really did.

And my god... I never thought glasses could looks so..cute.

As I continued to just stare, I saw him briefly look up, which made me look away in order to avoid his eyes.

Suddenly, Rachel jumped up from her seat "oh my god, guys, i almost forgot" she shouted. "What?" She took her phone from the desk and showed me a picture lf a calendar "what am I supposed to see?" I asked, looking at her confused.

"Next week!" He said again, shoving the phone even closer to my face, i pushed the phone away from me and gave her a confused look. She sighed and sat back down.

"Next Friday, you seriously don't know?" She asked looking around, everyone just shrugged. "....the school dance.." she repeated, not sounding amused at all "oh yeah you're right!" Emily jumped up as well "I seriously almost forgot about that!"

"omg we got to go shopping, right. now." Rachel said as she started walking towards the door, dragging Emily with her "Wait- you still have school, remember?" Ein interrupted, but they didnt listen. Before he could say anything esle, they disappeared behind the door.

"Theyll find out soon enough" i laugh "yeah i hope so" Ein sighs


Later that day, we were walking towards the bus stop. The whole day i couldn't stop thinking about that stupid dance, and if i should ask him or not. As soon as we reach the stop we take a seat on the bench, I just sit there nervously.

"Is something wrong" he suddenly asks, as he notices

"n-no nothing" i answers, not making eye contact.

"Are you sure, you look nervous" he asks again, not looking away.

"Actually.. it about the dance" I answer as I slowly start looking at him.

"What about it" he asks, slightly blushing, i guess he already know what i'm thinking.

"W-would you like to go with me?" I nervously ask.

Honestly i'm not sure why the answer would be no..

"Of- of course" he smiles.

I let out a sigh, "i'm stupid for being nervous about this" i laugh as i hold my head in my hands.

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