《Chapter 29》 7 Minutes In What?

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Other side of the story xo_love_writing_xo[Het Internaat]

"Another person walks in, if I remember correctly, his name was Scott. He walks up to us and wraps his arm around her. "Did something happen between those two?" I ask as we're both confused "you could say that" Amy answers.

The door opens once again and even more people walk in. "Is this everybody" Amy asks as she gets up and takes a good look around. Everyone looks at her and nods. "Wait, where's Tyler" Scott suddenly asks. "Yeah... where is Tyler" Brent repeated, not sounding happy at all.

"He'll be here any-" before she could answer the front door opens one last time and David walks in, followed by Tyler "where should I put the- oh..hello?" He stops and looks around surprised. "I'll take those" Amy walks up to him and grabbed the bags from his hands and puts them down in the kitchen.

She walks up to Tyler who immediately wraps his arm around her "well, this is our home" he said proudly, the whole room gets quiet as we wait for their reactions "isn't it just adorable?" David says trying to relieve the tension

"David, bad timing" Adam answers disappointed, I let out a small chuckle and he smiles at me proudly. Suddenly Brent starts walking towards Tyler, rasing his hand in order to punch him.

"No, don't!" Amy yells, trying to stop him from hitting Tyler, but she was too late, he already made contact with his face. He takes a step back, his hand touching his cheeck, his eyes filling with anger as he got ready to strike back.

"Guys, stop it!" Liv suddenly pushed Scott in the way, hoping he could stop it, but he also gets hit, he takes a step back and we all await what will happen next.

"You know what, figure it out" Scott exclaims as he drops down on the couch. Giving up on calming down his friend.

"Luca, do something" Amy asks sounding desperate. He lets out a sigh and walks up to Tyler and Brent, pushing them away from each other. "Dudes, calm down"

"You're supposed to be happy for me, not start fighting" Amy yelled, holding back tears.

Brent gives Tyler an unimpressed look, before he storms off into the kitchen "do you have anything with alcohol" he mumbles, his head disappearing into the grocery bag.

Amy nods and points him to the right bag, as soon as everyone gets a seat, Amy gestures for Adam to follow her. He gets up from the floor, which we were still both just sitting, probably the safest place at the time.

I let out a sigh and drop down completely, face up to the ceiling "I should've stayed home" I complained

"Well then, why didn't you?" Tyler asks as he awkwardly tries to walk over me in order to sit on the couch.

"I was bored." I answered as I changed positions and sat back up "and I was curious, you sounded desperate for me to get here" I sad smikring, earning a light kick from him.

Just as I was about to hit him back, Adam and Amy walked back out form the kitchen, Adam walked over to Tyler and whispered something to him. He got up with a serious face and disappeared into the kitchen.

Adam stole his seat from the couch and I got up and joined him.

Looking around the silence was unbearable, nobody was saying anything, just dead silence.

After a while, well it felt like hours, Amy and Tyler walked back out of the room, with the most obvious smiles you could possibly imagine. Guess she told him.

Boyfriends || The Story Inside My Mind (BxB) [FIRST SEASON]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя