《Chapter 11.1》 Heartbroken

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*Emily POV*

"Listen, their relationship is their problem, we shouldn't meddle with it" Tyler says, pulling his arm away.

"Wait, what do you mean.. relationship?"I ask confused.

"Wait no- I didn't mean-" before he could finish his sentence the door opened and everyone walked back outside.

"What's wrong?" Nathan asks, looking worried. "I-it's nothing" I stutter.

Tyler walks off to a friend as soon as he saw Nathan.. just what is going on..?

"Hey, we're going somewhere else.. you coming!" Nathan asks looking back as everyone walks to a car close by.


I follow the to a different cafe. Well, it's more of a club. Everyone takes a seat while one of the guys gets something to drink.

I couldn't concentrate to what was happening. It still bugged me how Tyler said the word 'relationship' I couldn't help but think about it.

After a while I got pulled out of my thoughts by a voice

"Emily, Truth or Dare" it was one of the girls. I already forgot her name

"Huh... truth?" I answer hesitantly. "Ooh ok, well then, please do tell what Tyler said earlier"

Wait what, why would she asks that

"do I really need to answer?" I asks hoping for them to just drop it.

"Why wouldn't you" Nathan suddenly joins in, "because, it's nothing important" I say, trying to just move on.

"Then just tell us.." he said again.

"She doesnt have to if she really doenst feel comfortable woth it" one of the girls said, trying to help me.

"Uh. Yes she does? Those are the rules" someone else interrupts.

I get more nervous as they all start to stare at me "well-"

Before I could answer i was cut off by the man himself "hey, can we join?" Tylers friend interrupted.

"Only of you can play normally" one of the girls jokes.

The boys laugh and join in "so, who's turn is it?" He asks. "Well we're still waiting on an anwer from Emily" she says as everyone starts to stare at me again.

"I- I think im just going to go home" I answer trying to just make it all stop.

"Something wrong?" Nathan ask as he recahes for my hand, but I quickly pull it away "no... i'm just, tired"

"Well that's fine" one of the girls says "it's been fun, and who knows" she smiles "maybe we'll see ecahother again"

I smile and take my leave.

After collecting all my stuff I make my way towards the nearest bus stop. It was going to be at least 10 more minutes before the bus arrived.

But it felt like an hour.


In the bus it al started to make sense.. why he used that specific word.

Why they we're so keen on being alone.
Why he said he was 'going out'.
Walking out of the movie theatre.

It was a date... wasn't it.

I didn't want to accept it.. but I don't think I have much of a choice anymore


When I got home I went straight to my room and dropped onto my bed, I could feel tears forming, but I held it back as much as possible.

All of a sudden I hear my door open "hey.. are you okay?" Ein asksed worried.

I quickly dried my face and sat up "yeah.. I'm fine, why?" He came in and took a seat next to me. "Because you didn't look that happy when you came in And besides, you never go straight to your room" he explained

"Guess I'm really tired" I lied. And I knew he would notice that..

"Mhm.. now the truth please" he said.
I sighed as I looked down to the floor.

"It's really nothing...I'm fine" I said trying to make him believe me.

"Hmm, then where did you go earlier..?" He asks, not giving up.

"I just- I went out for a bit.. "I quietly said.

"Wait.. were you with someone?" As soon as he asked that I flinched a bit, and he knew his answer.

"Don't tell me you went on a date" I felt the tears coming back "what happened, did he hurt you? Want me to punch him?" he said trying to cheer me up.

I laughed "yeah, good idea. Punch your best friend" I said as I wiped a tear from my cheek.

"Wait- you went out with Nathan?" He asked curious. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

"Well, yeah, but... not really" I started "I just- I think I interrupted his date"

Ein got quiet and then sighed "so that's it" he said as he put his hand on my shoulders "don't tell me you still have feelings-"

He couldn't even finish his sentence, I couldn't hold back the tears back.
He pulled me into a hug and didn't let go until I calmed down.

I just want this to end, these stupid feelings have been haunting me for the last 3 years..

I really hate being in love with my best friend.

After a couple of minutes I finally calmed down. But Ein didn't let go of me as he started talking again.

"Are you okay?" He asked softly "I'll be fine.." I answered as I sat back up, he let go of me and dried my face.

"Don't worry" he said "it'll be okay" his attempt at trying to comfort me made me laugh "I know"

He smiled and then got up "well.. goodnight." He said before leaving the room. "Goodnight"

I laid down in my bed and stared at the ceiling for a bit before finally falling asleep.

Guess I'll finally have to accept that it was never going to happen anyway..

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