《Chapter 30》Happy Birthday To Me...

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Other side of the story : xo_love_writing_xo [Het Internaat]

Not soon after everyone went upstairs, I walked over to the couch and dropped down, Adam came up to me and took a seat next to me. I let out a sigh. "What's wrong," He asks confused " nothing really, I'm just.. tired" I answer smiling at him.

He didn't look convinced. "Are you sure?" He asked, looking up at me. "Not really," I say as I lean against him "I guess I'm regretting coming here right now"

"What? Why?" He asks confused "well, not that I didn't enjoy it..just..." I stay quiet for a while "just what? He asks. I drop down on the couch.

"What time is it?" I asked staring up at the ceiling. He reaches for his phone on the table. "1:05 am" he puts his phone back and leans back "why?"

"That means it officially my birthday," I tell him, he suddenly looks at me "it is?"
I nod as he looks at me confused "I didn't know that" he says, looking out in front of him.

I let out a small laugh "I never told you" I stay as he looks back at me. "I didn't get you a present," he says, staring at me "you didn't have to"

Suddenly he gets up and crosses his arms, now facing me "get up" he commands, confused I slowly lift myself up, now looking him in the eyes.

Even though it was dark I could see he was blushing slightly. "What are you-" before I could ask any questions, he leans in, pressing his lips against mine.

For a second I was surprised, but I couldn't help but go with it, leaning in as well.

He pulled away and stared at me "What was that for?" I asked, amused by what just happened "Happy birthday" he smiles looking down.

I lean forward, and tightly hugging him, causing him to fall down into the pillow resting on the arms rest.

"What are you-" I didn't let him finish before I climbed up and kissed him again, I pull back and look down to see him blushing brightly. I let out a laugh and rest my head in his chest.


"Oh my god!" The next morning I woke up when I heard some voices, but I didn't want to wake up yet, I was way too comfortable. "Quiet, you're going to wake them up" I hear someone whisper.

I feel Adam move from under me, maybe he woke up, I hear some footsteps moving and when it's quiet again I slowly open my eyes. Looking up I notice Adam wasn't awake yet.

"Hey, wake up" I move up and give him a slight push, "What?" he slowly opens his eyes, he starts blushing as soon as he sees me. "Good morning" I smirk, looking down. "H-hi," He says, looking away.

"What time is it?" He mumbles, reaching for his phone. I quickly grab his wrist and lean back down "I don't know" I said staring down at him "what are you doing?" He asks, blushing brightly. "I don't want to get up yet." I smile dropping myself back down on top of him.

"Well, too bad. You can't sleep all day" he says, lightly pushing me away from him. I let out a sigh and get up, he does the same and as soon as he's in front of me again, I lean in trying to kiss him again, but he holds out his hand and stares towards the kitchen.

I look over to see Liv, staring at us, holding a glass of water. "Oh, don't mind me," she says continuing to walk back over to the other couch.

"Hey, you're going to wake them up" Amy also walks into the living room "oh, did I interrupt something," she asks

I give her an awkward smile as I could feel my face turn red. She suddenly pulled Liv towards her and walks back upstairs, followed by Scott.

I look over to Adam, who looks somewhere between embarrassed and disappointed, I let out a chuckle and grab his hands. I pull him closer to give him a quick kiss.


later that morning we were all sitting in the living room, talking and eating when suddenly the doorbell rang. Tyler gets up almost immediately and walks over to open the door. "Hello? Who are you" he asks staring confused, "Micheal?" We all turn to David who is staring at the person in the door "wait? what?"

I look at the door to see my brother standing there. "So this is the right place!" He pushed Tyler out of the way and walks further into the room.

"How did you know I was here?" I look at Micheal surprised. "well, when I got down to ask mom where you were she said you were at Adam's house, but when I got there she said you guys left with David. so I went back home and there was an address... so...yeah" he explains.

"Why didn't you just call me?" I ask confused. "well, I wanted to surprise you.." he says scratching h back of his head. "why?" I ask, still not sure what was happening. "did you forget your own birthday?" he asks, slightly laughing.

"It's your birthday?" Amy suddenly asks confused

Oh, no...

happy birthday!" Liv yells as she jumps me for a hug, "why didn't you say anything?!" Scott asks as he joins in. "Because it's not important," I say, trying to break free from the hug.

"Of course it!" Luca says from his spot on the couch "Okay, that's enough" Tyler suddenly walks in between us "who is this guy?" He asks pointing to Michael.

"Oh, he's my brother" I answer as he walks towards me "I came to pick him up" he answers wiping his arm around my shoulders. "You didn't have to do that, I brought them here, I can take them back," David said, sounding slightly amused.

"What?" He asks, looking at him confused, David smiles slightly and gets up. He walks towards us and puts his hand on Micheal's shoulder. "Are you sure you're here for your brother" he smirks, letting out a quiet giggle.

"W-what are you talking about?" He let's go of his shoulders, as he takes a step back. "Of course I am, what else would I be here for?" He asks, pushing his hand off his shoulder.

"Wait? Pick him up?" You're leaving already?" Amy asks, sounding slightly disappointed "Well, yeah.." I answer smiling. "Good luck!" I whisper as we all grab our stuff and walk out of the door.

"Wait? Micheal? How did you get here, when did you get a car?" I ask as we're walking towards the places we parked. "Oh I borrowed mom's car," he says pressing his key to in lock "and she just gave you her keys?" I aks suspicious.

"Yeah," He gets in the car and I take a seat next to him, looking out if I see Adam a David getting in their car as well.


Hehe. There we go. It's ma bby's bday.. hehe

Michael is such a Tsundere. I love.

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