《Chapter 34》 ENd.

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"It's true, I'm bad." He laughs

"That doesn't matter, did you see me in there, There's no way you're worse than that"

"Maybe you're right" he chuckles.

I look down at him as he starts to laugh.

I start to blush slightly as my expression loosened to a smile.

I get up and hold out my hand "Anyway lets head back" I smile.

He sighs and takes my hand "fine. You win."

As he gets up I quickly pull him towards me and press my lips against his. Just for a second before letting go again.

I look down at him as he starts to turn bright red, I try to hold in my laugh as I rest my head on his shoulder "you're way too cute" I chuckle.

"C-can we just go back in already?" he asks. I get back and grab his hand again.

"Okay let's go!" I smile as we start walking back in.

When we're back inside we start walking to the table I was just standing at.

We join the others after getting one more drink.


"That was so much fun" Emily exclaims as we walk out to the parking lot in search of her father's car.

He already brought the limo back, it would be too ridiculous to take that thing home too. Not to mention expensive

"Honestly, it was way too short" Rachel complains

"Are you serious, I think 4 hours is more than enough" I respond

"Yeah but that's because you're lazy" she laughs


We walk around for another minute before we spot the car and get in. It's a good thing it's a big car, I don't know how else we all would've fit.

The ride home was quiet. We just stayed quiet as we listened to the radio. We were all tired from everything that happened today, it was fun, just exhausting.

"Oh, Adam?" Their father suddenly asked as he turned down the radio. I look next to me to notice him dozing off. "Is he still awake?" their dad chuckles

I reach out to wake him up "huh, yeah I'm awake," he says confused.

Everyone laughs as he starts blushing.

"Well its good then" their dad continues "where do you live," he asks.

"Oh, you don't have to take me home, I can get there on my own" he answers. "What about me?" Rachel adds, "We live next to each other"

"Oh is that so? I'm sorry, I didn't know" their dad apologized. "Well then, lead the way" he smiles.

Rachel gives him the directions and the car got quiet again until the radio got turned back on.

I then notice Adam as he started leaning on my shoulder. He lets out a troubled sigh as he stares in front of him.

"What's wrong?" I ask "I just- don't feel like going home yet." He answers. "Why not"

"Cause no one is home tonight.... besides "

"I... I wanted to spend more time with you" I felt my face turning red by that comment "i- is that so..." I ask as I look away.

"Th-then" I look back down. "What if I stayed over"


The car stopped as soon as we reach Adam and Rachels street. "You coming," Raschel asks as she looks back towards us. "Yeah" Adam answers.

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