《Chapter 26》Helping With The Move

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Other side of the story : xo_love_writing_xo[Het Internaat]

"Why did we agree to this?"

There I was, standing in an empty house, way to far from home, helping a friend I met once and almost fought with. All because of one phone call..


That morning I was just being my lazy self. On the couch, watching tv. My brother was upstairs, as usual, on his phone, ignoring any social interactions that weren't online.

I was really bored, but there was nothing to do. I reached for my phone, but just when I was about to pick it up, it went off.

"Hey, Nathan I need your help." Surprised I look at my phone for a second, I don't recognize the number. "Whoa..wait a second, who is this?"

"Oh right, it's Tyler, Amy gave me your number" he answers hastily "oh, that makes sense.. What's wrong?"

"Nothing..well.. I need your help. Can you guys get here by tonight?" He asks, still sounding as if he's in a hurry.

"Okay, calm down, seriously.. what do you need me to do?" I ask, hoping for an explanation

"Well, I have a surprise for Amy, but I kind of need your help.." he explains "can you come to me, maybe bring a friend" he continues

"Uhm.. I guess. But you'll need to give me the address.." I say, looking around for something to write on.

"Ok yeah, I'll send it to you later, but I really need to go now, see you tonight?"

"Yeah...sure" before I could say anything else, the phone disconnected.

Not soon after I get a text. It's a lot closer then I thought it would be.

Wait..why did I say yes?


We arrived to an empty house, I didn't see Tyler anywhere. "Is this the right place?" David asks

Because he was the only one with a car, and just happened to overhear Adam when I asked him, he decided to drive us here.

"Well, This is the address he gave me... maybe he's just late" I answer, beginning to doubt myself.

Just when I said that Tyler appears from behind us "I'm so sorry I'm late, something came up" he said catching his breath

"Are you Okay?" David answers. Tyler gives him an odd look. "Who are you?" He asks confused.

"Oh yeah, you don't know him." I answers looking at David

"David" he answers, holding out his hand. Tyler shakes it hesitantly, giving me a confused look. I shrug, giving him the same kind of look.

"Okay.. Anyway we have a lot to do, follow me"


Which brings us here, helping him move all sorts of stuff from room to room. "Oh don't complain, you could've said no" Adam answers.
I let out a sigh and start walking towards the nearest box.

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