《Chapter 31》Glasses

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"How many times am I going to have to do this?!" My mom yelled from downstairs.

Because I had to go back to school, my whole sleeping schedule was messed up.

I went to bed later. Which meant I woke up later. But I can't do that anymore.

This was one of those mornings I woke up in a hurry. Quickly grabbing my phone and shoving my stuff in my bag.

Before I realized, I was throwing books from one side of the room to the other. Not really looking at which ones I grabbed. Just holding those were the ones I needed today.

When I was done I looked at the time, realizing I had about 5 minutes to get to the bus stop. I ran down the stairs to see my parents sitting in the living room.

"You couldn't have called me a little bit earlier?" I asked as I hastily put on my jacket. Even though it was almost summer. It was still a bit too cold to walk around in a hoodie.

"We tried." My father said emotionless "I already told you, buy an alarm clock" my mother said waving as I opened the door. "Yeah..yeah"

I run faster then I had ever, just so I wouldn't miss the bus. But I did.

I sighed as I sat down on the bench. Now if have to ask my parents to take me to school. I can't wait for the next one.


I walked into the school, about 10 minutes before the bell. Normally there would be more. But then again, normally I wouldn't miss the bus...

I was lucky my dad had a day off, and that he was in a good mood. If I would get to school late my teacher would not have been happy.

I put my jacket away. And again, prayed I brought the right books, I was so relieved when I saw I did.

I started walking towards the canteen, looking around to find anyone I knew.

It was hard to see through the crowd of people gathering around to meet up with their friends.

Before I knew it I was thinking about giving up because of all the people shoving me all kinds of directions. Why are there suddenly so many students at this school?

After one last push, I let out a long sigh and just decide to wait until I felt a strong pull on my arm. After smacking a good amount of people in the face the crowd cleared and I was standing in open space.

"There we go" I look back to see who was pulling me, it was Rachel. "Hi.." I said as she let go of my arm "took you long enough" she complained.

"I tried." I said, crossing my arms "mhm.. anyway, now that you're here, you've got to see this" she said enthusiastically "is this about that weird message from yesterday?" I ask as soon as she tries to turn around.

"You'll see," she said with a grin. She turned around, I followed her to a table at the back of the canteen.

As we get closer I notice everyone excitedly staring at Adam, who was sitting with his head hidden in his arms.

"Guys! I found him!" Rachel yelled as she once again pulled me towards the rest "oh great, come here" Emily said jumping up from her seat, which they literarily push me into the seat.

"What wrong?" I say as I stare at Adam, not looking up for even a second "oh nothing, is beautiful" Rachel says, putting her hands on his shoulders.

"Stop it guys, it's nothing special" he complains, his voice muffled by the table.

"Then look up," Emily said, taking a seat next to him. "No... I don't want to"

"What's going on," I asked, now completely confused by what was happening "don't ask me, ask Adam," Rachel answered, letting go of his shoulders.

He let out a sigh and slightly lifted his head "don't laugh" he said before looking up completely "why would I-"

As soon a she looked up, I noticed.


Before I knew it, I was already staring "whoa, I think he just discovered a new kink" Emily joked

I think I did.

"Hey, are you there?" I was ripped out of my thoughts by a hand moving in front of my face. "I- yeah...Uhm" I could feel my face turning red.

Everyone was staring, Emily and Rachel just looked at me amused "whoa, that's some reaction you got there" Rachel smirked.

"I-" I honestly didn't know how to react, they're right, what was that. "Told you had like it," Rachel says giving Adam a light push "wha-"

"Hehe..." I looked away, scratching the back of my head.

This was awkward.

The bell caught all our attention, that was a fast 10 minutes. We all get up and walk towards class, I couldn't stop myself from sneaking a peek at Adam every once in a while. These glasses were making things a lot harder.


The class was over before I even noticed it had started, I was so lost in thought, a lot has happened this last week, a lot more then I wanted to.

It was nice to see Micheal again, and even meeting David. I'm still kind of confused about their relationship, we're they really just friends?

A hand in my shoulder pulled me out of my thought, as I looked up I notice the whole room was empty, except for all my friends "earth to Nathan, are you awake?" Emily said, her face suddenly appearing in front of me "huh? Oh yeah, sorry" they all gave me an amused look.

We all started walking towards the canteen when Rachel suddenly stopped us "wait! Adam! Don't you still have that key?"

That's right, he did. "Oh? Yeah I do, what about it" he looked at her, not getting the hint. "Let's go eat there" she excitedly suggested

"What are you talking about?" Daniel asks, just as confused about it as everyone else. "You don't know? Adam has this key to an empty classroom" suddenly Emily pushed herself passed me "You do" her eyes lid up as she awaited his answer.

"Uhm...Yeah," He said taking a step back "let's go!" She said putting her arms on his shoulders "ok.."


That's right.

I have a glasses fetish.

(fetish makes it sound worse than it actually is,... oof.  I think glasses are real hawt y' know)

Now Nathan does too.


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