Chapter 3.3: The village 2

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Dearest mother and father in another world

I recall there being in piece of advice I was given on the rare occasions I went out the hospital and into the city streets, along the narrow bustlings side streets of Tokyo. That was to always avoid the small alleyways as much as I could since dodgy people and stores could linger down them.

Yet somehow in this new world I was in, I was now stood in one of these dingy small alley ways I had been warned about, in front of something that would look like the dodgy store you would describe.

"Oohoo, I have always wanted to go here, Madame Mural has always been one of my role models!!" Harriet proclaimed, jumping from foot to foot in excitement as we all now stood before a large purple iron and oak door, with a single lantern beside it, glowing with a small blue glow. There appeared to be a magenta steam billowing in from the bottom of the door that smelled strongly of incense. Beside the door was a brass sign- though I couldn't particularly make out what it said- something about compatibility by the looks of it? It wasn't hard to gather from what Harriet was saying and how full of energy she seemed to be that her reasons for bringing us here was alot more than just for us to gather medicene.
"D-Do we really have to go inside?? I mean really...?" Sana questioned with a stutter, backing up behind Felicia nervously- ah that's right, Sana was no good with this sort if stuff.
"You can wait out here if you like, I have a feeling Felicia wouldn't really want to go in so she may stay here with you..." I pointed out, looking to Felicia who didn't hesitate a second to reply.
"I agree, this seems like a waste of time... especially when-" she began to bluntly talk down the store when Harriet interrupted.
"Nooo!! You have to trust me! This woman can work real wonders! Her spells are said to be the talk of the country, it's a blessing we even got her to open her shop so close to us!!" Harriet began to ramble, getting very heated on the matter.
"I do not believe in spells..." Felicia muttered as Harriet riled up even more.
"It's talk like that, that will get you truly cursed you know!!" She pointed out to the ever unflinching Felicia as Sana backed up behind her more... and it seemed that Harriet noticed this. Ah, this wasn't good. "You will come in won't you Miss Rejoyce, surely you don't want you and your ancestors to be cursed!!" Harriet lingered over her as Sana squirmed from behind Felicia- though not too long before Harriet's tyrade was abruptly brought to an end by my hand.
"Stop scaring Sana, she's weak to this stuff..." I lectured her- I could do without the sleepless nights again due to Sana needing me to follow her around like a duckling. It seemed the technique I had learned from Litsa was pretty effective, since Harriet quickly simmered down.
"You shouldn't do such cruel things when we are right next to a hex shop..." She tutted-  You shouldn't say such ominous things when we are next to a hex shop!

"This is all interesting and all... but is this really a place for medicine?" Hugo questioned with a rather uncertain expression. Well he had definitely pointed out the elephant in the room, even if I had a decent hunch where we would end up...
"Yeah... aren't hexes meant to actually have an opposite effect...? Plus what is that sign about comparability meant to mean? " I added on, not really trying to hide my doubts- it had seemed Harriet had expected on of us to point this out as she began flailing about again.
"The term hex shop is really just a generalisation- this place specialises in both the black and light arts!! Madame Mural is said to be so strong that she only chooses to work with people who have a strong affinity with spirits and mana just like here!" She told me with a eager glisten in her eyes- if that was the case then what was the point in us being here... I quickly got my answer with Harriet then pointing to herself. "Luckily for all of you! I have such an affinity!"
"Is that so..." I replied, not knowing what to do with this information... I mean she certainly could look like a spirit so maybe...
"Yes it is so! And I am eager to really show Madame Mural just how great a disciple I can be!" She declared before loudly knocking upon the purple door.

I was reborn as a maid to the cruel tyrant prince!!Where stories live. Discover now