Chapter 6.3: Breaking down the wall 1

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"Fuwaa! It looks like it may rain soon..." came a soft and worn-out voice as Sana looked up at the sky above her, noticing the expanse of clear summer skies were becoming overcome by the greyish clouds of a rainy autumn. She lowered the watering can in her hand, looking to the small potted plants she had been told to water that decorated the outside patio perplexed. "I wonder if there is any point in watering these... ah you don't think it will rain on our day off right Annie?" Sana pondered to herself before turning to the me who was currently stood motionlessly staring into space, watering the same flowerpot ... or rather over watering it.

"Aaaaah Annie!" Sana gave a small cry, as her gasp of surprise only somewhat brought me to enough to reply to her.

"That would be quite the shame huh...?" I replied flatly, a small shake to my voice and a washed-out fake smile now upon my face. There was an undeniably gloomy aura seeping out from where I stood; Sana finding herself unsure on how approach me due to this.

"Annie at this rate, the head maid won't let you go to the village again!" she pointed out to me in a concerned panic as my head drooped to the side more, my hollow smile remaining. The village huh... part of me wondered if it would even be around for the day off at this point.

A few days had passed since Dante and I were at one another's throats and the prince officially cut all ties with me... in all honesty, I probably wouldn't know that if not for the constant reminder of our upcoming day off, everything seemed to be a blur since then....

I no longer was feeling upset about what had been done or said... I couldn't even bring myself to be angry either. Instead all that I was left with was a deep set feeling of emptiness from within my gut... it wasn't to say that I wasn't hurt or infuriated with how things panned out- rather maybe it was in that moment that all my willpower had been sapped away from me. For the first time since I had gotten to this manor and realised the place I was in, I felt myself on the precipice of giving up... afterall what was it I could do right now? The prince had made it completely clear that he wanted nothing to do with me and this time... I didn't think I could just bounce things back to how they were or remotely close just by brute force alone. Dante was serious... he really genuinely seemed to hate me now...

If I couldn't see or speak to the prince, then what exactly could I do? My plan to reform the prince potentially had fallen through the floor, some might even argue that I had in fact only made things worse by getting involved at all...

Even the bangle on my wrist that forced me to be at the prince's beck and call without exploding had now been severed from me, both physically and metaphorically...

"Say, Annie, are you okay? You have been really off since the other day..." Sana questioned me in a worried manner as she caught me staring back to my bare wrist once more; zoning out whilst we walked down one of the manor halls to our next set of chores.

"Huh...? Oh, yeah, I'm fine... sorry, I will stop causing mistakes..." I assured Sana, realising I probably had inconvenienced my friend a lot in this situation- though Sana shook her head to this.

"No, no, we can work round those... I guess... I'm not used to seeing you this way... is it something to do with his highness removing your bracelet recently?" Sana inquired, her words causing me to jolt in reaction to her question as I lowered my wrist at once.

"N-nothing like that... I mean, why would that bother me, it's a good thing isn't it? It's not like I'm some sort of masochist who enjoys knowing I could explode any second right? So... I should be overjoyed it's gone..." I did my best to uplift my own mood; my own pride not allowing me to admit that it did bother me a little... though my words would become flatter the more I spoke on. Sana remained with an apprehensive expression in my direction, appearing to contemplate bring something up, though she backed down as she realised that I probably wouldn't give her the truth right now even if she tried to ask.

I was reborn as a maid to the cruel tyrant prince!!Where stories live. Discover now